
Immortal Lord Penglai nodded slightly and walked into Penghu Hall with Xu Ying. There is a cave in the Penghu Hall. Standing in the hall and looking up, you can see that the space inside the hall is like a gourd, with the lower part being larger and the upper part being smaller, and the …

er some things from a certain height, the results may not be as good as those of ordinary people.

This is the difference between intelligence and wisdom. Wei Xiaobei previously thought that intelligence was equivalent to wisdom. But even so, Wei Xiaobei would not put intelligence as an attribute on the shelf. As mentioned before, the inference branch attribute under this attribute is indeed very useful. After investing 300 evolution points, the reasoning attribute …

on 8.09, intuition 13.12)

Charisma: 12.28 (12.56 for courage, 9.11 for persuasion, 14.65 for personal attractiveness, 9.99 for leadership, 15.1 for physical attractiveness) Special skills: Charm control (can charm and control creatures below the same star level through killing, intimidation, kindness, etc. The success rate of charm is directly related to charm and intelligence. This skill is a natural …

ergy swept across.

boom That day, the entire Xiwang County saw a sword light rising into the sky. Boom! The formation in the back garden of the West Prince’s Mansion was destroyed, the sword energy soared into the sky, causing ripples in the space, and the entire West Prince’s Mansion shook like an earthquake. For a time, the …

addition, dangers can also move. Standing on the same mountain, you may escape the flood that just washed down, or you may be buried by a landslide.

Before the danger breaks out, it is difficult to say whether it will really affect your life. Well, it’s that simple. Of course, if you don’t know the danger exists, you may die faster! But if Wei Xiaobei were to give up right now, Wei Xiaobei would probably regret it! What should be done? Although …


As the talisman was successfully drawn, Wei Xiaobei found that his understanding of the talisman had reached a level that he could hardly believe. After understanding the essence of the talisman, Wei Xiaobei discovered that it was so easy to create talismans! Whether you can create a new talisman depends on whether the rules you …