iped his tail angrily, and the two student soldiers with large shields flew out directly, not knowing whether they were alive or dead.

The last student soldier with a big shield took the initiative to bump into the ‘Stoneskin Worm’ king with his big shield and body. Unfortunately, it didn’t even affect the whereabouts of the ‘Stoneskin Worm’ king. It’s just that the ‘Stone Skin Worm’ King was also annoyed by the continuous harassment. He opened his mouth …

f lightning bombing.

At this moment, the independent “country” created by the “curtain” has completely collapsed, but the wish made by the Dark Demonic Wolf has not completely faded, and it will take some time for the return of divinity. The two sides did not hesitate and started a fierce battle again. Cotal let the huddled “curtain” fly …

sted the energy supply of the Erto Intelligent System to the lowest physical condition.

Erto Intelligent System has been growing in Erto Fund for unknown years, and long-term learning has made its own defense almost impregnable. David does not use physical energy reduction to reduce its computing power, and it is almost difficult to change the highest authority. After changing the highest authority, the owner of Erto Intelligent System …

ly proudly.

Originally, there was no Gauss cannon in the base. Gauss cannons require specially trained gunners to hit accurately. The defensive missiles are easy to operate and can automatically track targets. The base is not a military base, and there are no students who specialize in learning Gauss cannons. Here All the students are soldiers. But …

At that time, it is better to pick up weapons and join the battle. The young people of Rock Star have never been afraid of fighting. The environment in which they were born determines that the elite among them will fight against the Zerg. Only by participating in battle can their status be improved.

David saw Myron’s yearning for reserve combatants and understood that this was a good thing, and he felt more relieved. “David, are you going to the shooting gallery now, or should I take you somewhere else?” Myron asked after seeing that Jim and David had finished talking. “Where can you take David to play?” Jim …

g here.”

g here.” Fan Zhen asked me: “So this is the purpose of your coming here, right?” Fan Zhen’s question made me a little confused, and his tone was undoubtedly It’s as if I didn’t come here for this purpose, but for another purpose. I asked, “Is there any other purpose?” At this time, Fan Zhen …

epskin book records the history and current situation of the Dennis family, including family members, distribution of family power, family industry, etc. The records are so detailed that David even has the idea that Earl Henderson wants to attack the Dennis family.

In fact, Earl Henderson’s family is an affiliated family of the Main family, and they also share information with the Main family. This kind of information, which is not important, the Main family will regularly distribute to the affiliated families to prevent the affiliated families from attacking the nobles. There was a misjudgment of strength …