y thinking about playing chess.”

y thinking about playing chess.” Qi Linger, who was sitting opposite him, shook his head, stood up and looked through the curtain at the thousands of troops hidden in the sea of ??clouds. Zuo Qingchen on the side finished cleaning up the chessboard, walked to Qi Linger’s side, and said with a smile. “Senior sister, …

urn his eyes, he saw the body of the girl in the formation gradually getting taller, and she was wearing an imperial crown and robe. Body, white hair reaching waist, wrinkles on face.

urn his eyes, he saw the body of the girl in the formation gradually getting taller, and she was wearing an imperial crown and robe. Body, white hair reaching waist, wrinkles on face. “Master Zhuang’s method of transforming butterflies is really amazing. It has actually been hidden from Mr. Jun’s eyes and ears.” Standing on …

he number of main stars is still small. Although I clearly understand the meaning of the Tao at that time, I cannot fully control it. I can only stop the falling flowers. If it is an enemy, it will only be for a moment… but it is enough. This is just the first form. Once you have mastered all the meaning of the time, it will be time to create the second form.”

he number of main stars is still small. Although I clearly understand the meaning of the Tao at that time, I cannot fully control it. I can only stop the falling flowers. If it is an enemy, it will only be for a moment… but it is enough. This is just the first form. Once …

nly Raising her head, her eyes flashed with a light similar to that in Yuan Feng’s eyes just now. When the third gong sounded, she suddenly said: “Sister, long time no see.”

nly Raising her head, her eyes flashed with a light similar to that in Yuan Feng’s eyes just now. When the third gong sounded, she suddenly said: “Sister, long time no see.” After the gong sounded, something floated behind the other party at the same time. Three red lights, I stood up from the chair …

here is no upper limit.”

here is no upper limit.” After False Eye Lao Wu finished speaking, I used He held his chin with his hand and stared at the three bottles in front of him. His eyes slowly narrowed, but he still couldn’t see the gas in the bottle. Zhuzi whispered beside me: “Hey, can you tell?” I shook …

golden body. Human beings are too weak. A hero shouldn’t be a weak person!” He shouted hysterically. I didn’t speak, but I heard the voice of the man in the shadow suddenly turn cold, and whispered: “Humans are weak?”

golden body. Human beings are too weak. A hero shouldn’t be a weak person!” He shouted hysterically. I didn’t speak, but I heard the voice of the man in the shadow suddenly turn cold, and whispered: “Humans are weak?” He walked out of the darkness step by step, and I saw a very bright light …