
Shadow Realm.

Shadow Realm.
The sky was cloudy, and countless thunder and lightning flashed and exploded.
Among the clouds, a thousand-meter-high black giant was grinning ferociously, holding its big hands tightly as if it were grasping something.
A trace of pure white light shot out from the gap in the big black hand.
“Is this?!” Fang Yu’s palm hurt, but he pressed harder, and countless twisted force fields condensed and poured into his hand.
“Die to me!!!”
He directly used his magic power.
Countless black clouds around him quickly gathered and penetrated into his hands.
But it’s too late.
Chi! A ray of white light broke through the back of his hand.
Chichichichichichi! ! !
/In an instant, countless rays of white light penetrated his palm and burst out.
Countless white lights converged into a figure that was also a thousand meters high in mid-air.
That was clearly the appearance of Lin Xin’s true form.
His eyes slowly opened, infinite white light shot out, and fourteen pairs of huge white wings suddenly spread out from behind.
The two of them rushed forward without any nonsense, and their giant swords and fists suddenly collided with each other.
Fang Yu is surrounded by the strongest defense that is absolutely indestructible, which is the terrifying isolation of the Original Freedom and Peace Kung Fu.
Lin Xin has more than three million points of defensive attributes, which strengthens his body-protecting aura to an incredible level.
The two got really fired up as soon as they fought.
Fang Yu crushed a hill with his foot and punched Lin Xin hard in the chest, but he dodged it and hit only the left shoulder.
The shoulder exploded with countless white lights, and a small piece was damaged, but it was repaired immediately. Instead, it purified Fang Yu’s fist and eroded it, releasing traces of white smoke.
Lin Xin’s fourteen white wings shook violently, bringing out a terrifying driving force. With the help of his whole body, with the terrifying power of the Sword of Joy, he slashed into Fang Yu’s waist.
The absolute isolation of cause and effect of the original Freedom and Ning’an Gong was mostly broken in an instant.
The Sword of Joy wanted to rush forward, but Fang Yuyiba grasped the blade.
“Return to the source!!”
He pulled out a silver short knife with his other hand and slashed towards Lin Xin’s forehead.
Lin Xin raised his hand to block it.
The short knife struck his palm, quickly releasing a terrifying suction force, and the patterns engraved on the blade began to twist and beat violently.
Lin Xin felt keenly that there seemed to be some huge force trying to pull him into a closed environment and imprison him.
“It’s useless.”
He said in a deep voice.
Countless purifying white lights all over his body exploded directly, and all force fields and everything acting on his body were instantly eliminated.
This is the power of the power of purification.
The Fourteen-Winged Star Clan was directly improved after his previous average attributes

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