
are all Miao descendants who have been confirmed for a long time, and now there is another Lin Xin.

are all Miao descendants who have been confirmed for a long time, and now there is another Lin Xin.
To be able to stand alongside these top talents, he is still too immature now.
“Spread the word?”
/Lin Xin was stunned for a moment, but then showed a smile.
Now that he has achieved great success, the Earth Fire Nine Spirit Pearl has transformed into an abyss boundary weapon. He is not afraid even if the gods come to him personally.
You can go to any place in the vast void.
“It doesn’t matter, just let them do it. This kind of thing can’t be avoided.”
“You can only be careful.” Long She was also quite helpless over there.
“Don’t worry, Master.”
They finally agreed and hung up the jade talisman.
Lin Xin put away the jade talisman. He was now standing in front of a green grassland. Countless grass clippings gathered in front of him, gradually forming a huge green monster.
The monster’s body is made of grass, it is more than ten meters tall, and it is human-shaped. It only has a pair of small red eyes on its head, and has no mouth or any other organs.
It slowly pulled out its body from the grass and stepped heavily on the ground, creating a large depression.
Ouch! ! !
It roared wildly at Lin Xin in front of it.
Although it has no mouth, it roars like a lion.
Lin Xin glanced at the monster in front of him and took a step forward at will.
Boom! ! !
An overwhelming terrifying momentum exploded.
With him as the center of the circle, it spread crazily in all directions.
The big tree was blown to the point of being tilted and broken instantly, and the grass on the ground was directly overturned, exposing the dark mud and rocks underneath.
The clouds in the sky changed, and countless blood-red clouds emerged and gathered above Lin Xin’s head.
Looking down from the sky, the entire sea of ??trees, covering hundreds of miles in radius, was suppressed by this momentary burst of momentum, causing all the trees to tilt outward.
“Bihu Mountain is doing business, and anyone who has nothing to do with it, get out!”
Lin Xin’s voice instantly spread throughout the entire small world in the black ball, like thunder, making the entire small world tremble slightly.
Now that it has been exposed, there is no point in hiding. Simply solve the problem as quickly as possible.
Deep in the sea of ??trees.
A group of monks wearing green robes, exuding a trace of aura and blending in with the environment, all looked up to the sky, each with a horrified look on their face.
“Bihu Mountain!”
“Why are the madmen from Bihu Mountain here!?”
“Brother Taoist, what should we do now?”
Several people looked at one of the older Taoists.
/The man gritted his teeth.
“Retreat! We can’t afford to offend Bihushan. If we don’t listen, it will be in vain if we are really encountered and killed! We cannot afford to take this risk.”
“But we will reach the end soon.” Another female cultivator He said unwillingly.
“No choice, leave immediately. We can’t afford the gamble.” The Taoist interrupted.
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