
uddenly dimmed and cracked many gaps. The cane in his hand was unconsciously thrown far away.

When his mind was extremely calm and almost frozen, he had no idea of ??using a “paper man substitute” and took a hard blow from the opponent.
If the “Black Emperor” card and Azik’s Bronze Whistle hadn’t strengthened his spiritual body at the same time, with his Sequence 6 nature, he would have suffered heavy losses and even been killed instantly.
The tentacles came over again and slapped downwards.
Klein, who was “awakened by electricity,” rolled quickly and barely escaped.
He glanced at the opponent’s size, turned around immediately, and ran out of the gate without hesitation, running firmly and resolutely.
Deng Deng Deng
Klein was half flying and half running, looking like he was running for his life. The old priest’s blue tentacles wrapped with silvery lightning chased behind him, trying to pull him back to the hall, but he was always turned around deftly. Agile movements, rolling away in time.
Seeing that it was difficult to achieve his wish, the old priest’s abdomen swelled again, and the clear and cold voice echoed through the ruins again.
But this time, Klein was prepared. Although his body was stiff and stagnant, it was soaked by the sea water and turned into a puddle of paper.
The old priest finally moved, taking heavy but fast steps, trying to catch up with the enemy.
He was huge and rushed to the door. He was huge and hit the collapsed roof and walls with a bang.
/The gate here could originally allow super giant creatures like Kavitua to pass through, but the previous collapse of the ruins and the madness of the “Poseidon” before his death successfully caused the place to collapse, and the gate was buried only two meters high. It was one meter wide, and the old priest, who was obviously in an abnormal mental state, crashed directly into it, almost getting stuck.
Klein, who had been waiting for this opportunity, immediately stopped and turned around.
He half-closed his eyes, straightened his back, and opened his arms.
A brilliant beam of light surrounded by some golden flames fell from the sky and hit the old priest directly.
The fragments of his robe hanging on his body immediately burned, and the gray-black skin and flesh fell off in chunks, melting and evaporating in the pure light.
It wasn’t until this moment that Klein saw clearly something strange about the old priest’s abdomen.
It was very bulging, especially in a few areas, forming the overall outline of two eyes and a mouth.
It was as if there was a person hiding in the old priest’s belly, pressing his face there, trying to get out.
The old priest’s legs covered with burnt black snake skin exerted force, and the whole person was knocked out of the collapsed doorway. The impact caused rocks to fly and the sea water to surge.
He finally escaped from the light beam, but his body was covered with hideous wounds caused by falling flesh and blood, and even the “face” on his abdomen was full of traces of melting.
The blue tentacles of

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