
he was at his most desperate and crazy, he would have thought of this place and used this place as a source of support. Klein raised his head and cast his gaze outside the ancient palace.

He remembered that deep in this mysterious space, there was a staircase of light leading to heaven, which vaguely corresponded to his own sequence.
/The stairs seemed to be built for giants, and the destination was a gray-white mist floating in the air that seemed to be holding something.
The secrets of my time travel with Emperor Russell are hidden there. Klein made the diary in his hand disappear, leaned back in his chair, and said in a normal tone:
“You can start.”
“Sun” Derrick originally planned to purchase the Sequence 6 potion formula behind “Sun Priest” in advance, but the release of Elder Lovia made him temporarily abandon this plan. He couldn’t wait to tell the whole thing, hoping to get the necessary information. guide.
Considering that it was now a transaction, he forcibly suppressed his inner impulse and continued to wait in silence.
Little “Sun” is worried about something happening in Silver City. “Justice” Audrey looked back thoughtfully, but also did not ask for anything.
At this time, “The Hanged Man” Alger looked around and said proactively:
“I need the Seasinger’s potion recipe.”
Sure enough, he already has Sequence 6 and is a “Wind Blessed One”. Isn’t he from the Church of Storms? Why should he seek the “Ocean Singer” potion formula outside? It is much easier to obtain it from the inside. He has a secret idea. Cattleya the Hermit, who had concealed the Church of Storms, or was just pretending to be the Church of Storms before, had a lot of guesses in an instant. She nodded lightly and said:
“I can help you keep an eye on it.”
Seeing the response from “The Hermit”, Alger took advantage of the situation and asked:
“Ma’am, what do you need?
“I can collect clues in advance so that I can exchange them for the potion formula later.”
What do I need? “The Hermit” Cattleya secretly smiled and noticed the little temptation hidden in the normal question of “The Hanged Man”.
If there is demand, there will be clues
Not to mention that I have already obtained the magic potion formula of Sequence 4 “Occultist” of the “Peeper” pathway, and am accumulating contributions to one of the main materials. Even if there is nothing, I will not lack the corresponding channels, and Cattleya had more than one thought, and remembered the “Poseidon Scepter” in Mr. Fool’s hand, and said with a smile:
“I need a demigod-level magical item, one whose negative effects are relatively bearable.”
At this moment, “The Hanged Man” Alger almost blurted out and told the other party not to joke.
Even the Church of Storms may not be able to obtain a similar item for several years, not to mention that there are only mid-sequence Beyonders at first glance.
There really are demigod-level items with relatively bearable negative effects. Why don’t I stay and use Alger myself? He understood that “The Hermit” was responding to his temptation w

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