
meticulous and have divine calculations. The game of Journey to the West is not impossible to crack.”

meticulous and have divine calculations. The game of Journey to the West is not impossible to crack.”
“Hahaha… As expected of Mr. Jun. In this way, if you want to break the game of Journey to the West, you have to Start with those main characters, either kill them, or get their own endings from their upper dantian, and then gather them into the ending of the Western Cruise Ship, and then change it,”
Hong Hai’er clenched his fists and said with high spirits . , but when his eyes fell on Zhou Jijun, he found that the man who had freed himself from the cruise ship and returned to the West Coast frowned again.
If you want to break the situation, you need to start with Tang Xuanzang and his party. Either take out the jade plate that records the ending, or kill him directly, but in this case, he will go back to the original point.
Zhou Jijun frowned and looked eastward.
/The last thing he wanted was to have a head-on conflict with Tang Xuanzang and his entourage. Not to mention how powerful those people were, one Samoni alone made it difficult for Zhou Jijun to concentrate on anything else. During the journey to the west, Tang Xuanzang, Monk Sha, and Zhu Gangxi have all returned to their positions, leaving only Qitian and Bailongma. If the five of them gather together, it will be even more difficult for them to make plans. But if Zhou Jijun goes to plot against Qi Tian and Bai Longma who are temporarily alone, he is worried that they will end up like Zhu Gang and the hyena. Instead of accomplishing nothing, they will become the saint’s pawns and help them embark on the journey to the west prematurely.
Qitian Junsheng…
the monkey who made trouble with him in the Heavenly Palace came to mind, and then flashed to Pingtian who transformed into the Bull Demon King. Zhou Jijun thought for a moment and asked Honghai’er.
“I heard that Qitian Junsheng and Liu Junsheng also joined forces and were greatly favored by your father, but I don’t know why they parted ways?”
Hearing this, Hong Hai’er was slightly startled and turned to look in the direction of Jilei Mountain. His eyes were complicated, and he looked at them for a long time. He spoke.
“That year we were defeated by Tiangong, but we didn’t lose too many troops. We retreated to the South China Sea to wait for another uprising. Unexpectedly, Qi Tian was greedy for one of my father’s maids. The two eloped, but Tiangong discovered their whereabouts and sent troops to sneak attack. ”
Zhou Jijun’s expression froze, and Zhuan Er became gloomy.
Everyone has selfish motives, and he is no exception. Whether he is sentimental or hypocritical, Zhou Jijun can’t let go of Bihua, but he can’t forget Yiyi either.
/For some reason, Zhou Jijun suddenly wanted to see Qitian Junsheng, who was reincarnated as a monkey. In the Heavenly Palace that year, he was suppressed by Zhunti and transformed into a mountain with five fingers, and then disappeared. After Zhou Jijun came to Hezhou, Xiniu, he also explored it with his mind. All the demon kings in the worl

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