
t help but smile, and asked with a frown.

t help but smile, and asked with a frown.
“Taoist just now said he could relieve my worries, is it possible…”
“Exactly, Taoist can help your majesty go to the underworld, but your majesty needs to promise me something first.”
“What’s the matter?”
Li Jing thought in his mind. He was overjoyed and asked quickly, Yuan Tiangang was naturally in a hurry. Although he was immobilized, he was not blind or deaf. Seeing Lu Yao bewitching his majesty like this, he wished he could kill him on the spot, but even if he could move, he would not be able to move. His low level of cultivation could not hurt Lu Ya even a hair on his head.
“Although your Majesty has advanced cultivation and is the emperor of the human world, the Yin Qi in the underworld does not recognize your Majesty. Since ancient times, only earth immortals can descend to the underworld. On the contrary, emperors in the human world are assisted by the destiny star, and the Yin does not enter the body. , it is difficult to enter the underworld, so Lu Ya will take a lot of energy to take His Majesty to the underworld…”
Lu Ya sighed softly and said quietly, his two mustaches were trembling slightly, looking like this These words are very much like the foreshadowing of a merchant in the human world who bargains and pays more.
Li Jing frowned slightly, suppressing the impatience in his heart, and forced a smile on his face.
“Taoist, please stop being pretentious. Please tell me clearly what is going on.”
With a low smile, Lu Ya glanced sideways at the west and said.
“Taoist, I have a small request. Your Majesty will convene a water and land conference in a month and a half, but it will be held for the Buddhists. But besides Buddhism, there is another religion in the world, but it was created by a saint from another side, called Taoism. Your Majesty, why not do it at the same time? Two conferences were held, one for Buddhism and the other for Taoism. The two major religions competed for glory in Chang’an, and practitioners from all walks of life competed with each other. This was an unprecedented prosperous time, and your Majesty’s name will be remembered for generations to come.
” He said that Li Jing was fine, but Yuan Tiangang on the side had already blushed, and the anxiety in his heart had risen to an unbearable level. There is only a Buddhist water and land conference, and the city of Chang’an is already in chaos. If there is another Taoist conference, more than the current number of immortals, gods, and demons will gather in Chang’an. As long as there is one strong person who takes action, by then, Chang’an will definitely become On the battlefield, the Tang Dynasty, which had only been established for less than a hundred years, would fall into dire straits again.
/“Okay, I agree.”
At this time, Li Jing was focused on his trip to the underworld. For him, there was nothing more important in this world than Hong Fu. As soon as Lu Ya proposed, he agreed without hesitation. down.
“Okay, Emperor Tang is really a cheerful person, and I am no

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