
he Tarot meeting next week to see if other members can give back enough valuable knowledge. For example, it is because there is a custom of dragon worship here, so the spiritual dragon Can you directly enter the collective subconscious sea to live, or is the spiritual dragon living in the collective subconscious sea here. People around you will sometimes dream about it and will be subconsciously affected accordingly, so the custom of worshiping the dragon emerged.

On Friday afternoon, Klein took the list of guests who had accepted the invitation to tomorrow night’s dance and carefully memorized what topics to talk to different guests.
“When you meet Congressman Macht, you should praise Backlund’s recent atmosphere, greet Professor Portland Mormont, and make a few jokes related to the Royal Academy of Sciences.” Klein was carrying one item after another, and suddenly there was a sound in his ears. Illusive cascading calls of prayer.
A man counted the time. It was most likely Mr. “The Hanged Man”. Klein put down the paper in his hand thoughtfully. Gulu drank some black tea, got up and left the semi-open room with a large balcony, and returned to the bathroom of the master bedroom. indoor.
He walked four steps backward and entered above the gray mist, where he discovered that the person praying was none other than the “Hanged Man.”
/This gentleman asked the great “Fool” to tell “the world” that he had arrived at Bayam, the capital of the Rhoside Islands, the “City of Generosity”. After waiting for two more days, he would replenish supplies and then go to the primitive island.
He asked “The World” to prepare in advance to avoid being unable to meet up in time, and said that if the other party had no good way to get to the primitive island, he could arrange for “The World” to secretly take the “Blue Avenger”.
Take the “Blue Avenger” and take a group of sailors from the Church of Storms to the primitive island. How long can the vampire anesthetic gas bought from Emlyn last? Is there enough time for exploration? Klein thought for a while and realized ” The world” Gehrman Sparrow asked him to pray devoutly:
/“It doesn’t need to be so troublesome.
“You should be able to move around freely in Bayam. See you at the cemetery outside the city at 12 o’clock tonight.
“Before that, replenish your supplies.”
Bayam, inside a hotel.
Alger frowned slightly after listening to the words of “The World” Gehrman Sparrow.
In the “City of Generosity”, he can indeed move freely, because the sailors have eagerly gone to places such as the “Red Theater” and will definitely not come back tonight, and after they wake up during the day, they will definitely have to go gambling a few times. Indulge yourself to the fullest to vent the depression and anguish of being at sea for a long time.
In other words, Alger would not be discovered even if he disappeared for a whole night and a whole day.
“World” means that using this gap is indeed better than using vampire anesthetic gas. This method has been used twice. Maybe someone has already be

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