
. If you are a filial son, you may be able to find a good family in the next life. Reincarnate as soon as possible.”

. If you are a filial son, you may be able to find a good family in the next life. Reincarnate as soon as possible.”
He looked at me blankly, his eyes dull. His face was ashen.
I have seen many dead souls, so many that they have become numb. They have all kinds of skin colors and races, but believe me, their expressions are the same when they die. Fatty and I even concluded a theory. Whether a person is a true hero depends not on how majestic he was before death, but on whether he can face the fact that he is dead when he becomes a soul after death. Some people accept it calmly. We call these people smart people. They will rush to reincarnate immediately, and prepare a sum of money before reincarnation to ensure that their debts are paid off, and then they will marry a good family and enjoy happiness after birth. The other kind of person is as painful as the suffering soul in front of me, so confused and unable to believe it. Finally, he started his next life in confusion. Of course, I have also seen the third, more special type of people who laughed heartily and were very happy after death. Such people are either crazy and ready to continue doing evil for fun after death. Or it was too painful in life and finally found relief after death.
After staring at me blankly for a few seconds, he broke down and cried bitterly again, but I had already stood up, lit a cigarette and said: “Don’t stay in this house. That money is enough for your sister to study and for you.” Mom, take care of yourself and go reincarnate.”
After saying that, I walked out of the room and saw many neighbors sticking their heads out. The sound insulation here was very poor. Of course they can’t hear the ghost’s words, but what’s amazing is that they can hear the ghost’s cry. So a strange thing happened, they heard the ghost crying and me talking as if I was talking to myself.
When I walked out of the room, many people looked at me strangely. When I walked downstairs, two smoking policemen looked at me and walked upstairs without saying a word.
Now, the clues are finally there!
/A man wearing a silver snake-like belt seems to be a useless clue. First, there may be many men wearing silver snake-like belts, and there are many similar belts. Second, the ghost cannot remember what the other person looks like at all. But if this clue is placed in the paranormal circle, the result will be completely different!
“You mean Xiang Ji? He should have disappeared fifteen years ago.” Mr. Tang said in surprise. He was surprised not because a disappeared person was born again, but because this person was born. I don’t know.
“It should be right. The appearance of the belt that the ghost of that unlucky guy told me, plus the bad habit of digging out the heart, must be the Silver Snake Xiangji.” What
we are discussing is an evil way in the past. Of course, it is far more than just evil ways. , a better title would be a scumbag, a lunatic who does all kinds of evil and is not ashamed but proud of it. fifteen years ago. The name Silver Snake Halberd was

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