
wo earthly immortals, anyone who wants to move this place The three major alliances first had to pass the two Earth Immortals. However, even if the old man from the military family takes action himself, it would be difficult to capture two Earth Immortals at the same time. But what the old man from the military family can’t do doesn’t mean that others can’t do it. In the battle on the Monster Island in the outer sea, the self-respecting Zhong Bianba was beaten by the Monster Prince and was unable to fight back. This matter has now been secretly spread in the circle. Of course, many people do not believe this is true. of. But Jun Yan and his brothers all knew what happened here at that time, so. The best way to deal with these two earth immortals is to ask the demon prince to take action.His men spent a lot of effort and searched for a long time before they discovered the current trends of the demon clan.

wo earthly immortals, anyone who wants to move this place The three major alliances first had to pass the two Earth Immortals. However, even if the old man from the military family takes action himself, it would be difficult to capture two Earth Immortals at the same time. But what the old man from the military family can’t do doesn’t mean that others can’t do it. In the battle on the Monster Island in the outer sea, the self-respecting Zhong Bianba was beaten by the Monster Prince and was unable to fight back. This matter has now been secretly spread in the circle. Of course, many people do not believe this is true. of. But Jun Yan and his brothers all knew what happened here at that time, so. The best way to deal with these two earth immortals is to ask the demon prince to take action.His men spent a lot of effort and searched for a long time before they discovered the current trends of the demon clan.
Starting two years ago, the big monsters from all over the country who dominate the mountains began to gather in one place. These great monsters even include monsters like the Lao Sheep Demon who have practiced Taoism for hundreds of years. This phenomenon attracted the attention of many people, and many people speculated behind the scenes about what happened to the demon clan. After a long period of investigation through various methods, something was finally discovered. People from the military family learned that these monsters migrated large-scale and long distances to meet a person, a big shot with a very high status among the monsters.
Based on the previous situation, this big shot is most likely the prince of the demon clan of Xingyue Demon Palace who left with Nagisa Yu.
“Brother Cui, you said we met the prince, can he help us? I heard. Brother Shan actually fought against the prince on the outer island of Siren, and they even fought against each other. Now it is unlikely to help us. After having a simple dinner, the two girls went to a nearby stream to wash up and prepare to rest. The gay man stayed here and watched the car.
“I don’t know about this, but when Shanzi said that the demon prince was actually no different from crazy, although his abilities were still there, his intelligence had been reduced to that of a child, so he basically listened to Nagisa Yuu on all matters. “Nagisa is an old friend of ours. If this prince is still as stupid as he was a few years ago, then based on our relationship with Nagisa, it should be okay to ask them for help.”
/The two people said. talk. But they saw Tang Yuyan and Yuan Feng walking over from the creek. At this time, there was a little fairy emitting a faint yellow light on Yuan Feng’s shoulder.
“Is there any new news?” Fatty asked hurriedly.
/“My goblin seems to have found some traces of demonic energy behind the relatively open river in the south of the forest. For now, there must be demons in this forest. But I’m afraid that the demons here are not what we think.
“I know, you guys should go to bed early. I’ll be here to guard the first shift. Other

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