
pondered for a moment and then said: “An old friend of mine in the old district also died. He was killed inexplicably. I want to know what killed him. But it must not be a human being. If it is a human being, I It has been found out a long time ago, have you found out anything?”

pondered for a moment and then said: “An old friend of mine in the old district also died. He was killed inexplicably. I want to know what killed him. But it must not be a human being. If it is a human being, I It has been found out a long time ago, have you found out anything?”
It doesn’t seem to be directed at me, and I feel reassured at the moment. He opened his mouth and said, “If I told you that the murderer was really not a human being, but a ghost, would you believe it?”
He raised his eyebrows, looked back at me, and after a moment he sneered and said, “I didn’t see anything when I was a kid. “Yes, I have seen ghosts a few times, but I don’t know magic, can you?”
“I’m not sure if I can kill that ghost. That ghost is very fierce, and”
I was only halfway through my words when he suddenly said He put his hand on my shoulder, interrupted my words, and then said: “You must be destroyed, or I will destroy you. Do you understand? Little guy.”
This was something I didn’t expect. It turned out that this The old guy actually came to threaten me! I frowned, and the old man pushed the lunch box towards me and said, “After this is done, you will be protected by me in this prison from now on. No one dares to say anything else. If it doesn’t work, I will do it myself.” I’ll bury you. Eat this lunch and be full so that you have the strength to work.”
He stood up and walked out with a group of younger brothers. Only then did Brick breathe a sigh of relief and said, “Xiaoshan, this black tiger is so cruel. , Xiaoshan.”
Before Brick could finish speaking, I suddenly stood up from the chair and walked up with my lunch box. Everyone in the circle next to me looked over. The atmosphere in the entire cafeteria almost instantly became stagnant. Even the prison guards were alert. Looking at us.
/I strode over with my lunch box in my hand. Several of Heihu’s younger brothers immediately stopped me and shouted, “What are you doing?”
I stopped and followed the younger brothers to look at Heihu. The old man turned his head and squinted at me.
“Brother Black Tiger, I can’t eat that much. But I can handle things. You don’t need to threaten me. I have already competed with that thing. If it doesn’t die, I will die. Maybe you can bury it with your own hands in a few days. I hope you can pour a glass of wine on my grave.”
After saying that, I put the lunch box in his little brother’s hand, turned around and walked back.
Black Tiger looked at my back, laughed, and shouted: “It’s interesting, this little guy is so interesting!”
I sat back next to Brick, and the mouse, Brick, and the people around me all looked at him strangely. I.
“What are you doing? Are you satisfied with me?”
I asked strangely.
“Xiaoshan, you are really not afraid of death. If I can go out in the future, I will definitely hang out with you!”
Brick looked at me with admiration, and the mouse not far away also gave me a thumbs up.
For some reason, I suddenly felt that it would be quite interesting if there was no such ghost in this prison.

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