
ost that comes out? Or is it an evil spirit controlled by Onmyoji?

ost that comes out? Or is it an evil spirit controlled by Onmyoji?
/The shabby quilt floated up little by little under the light. I couldn’t see clearly what was wrapped inside, but it always felt like a thing without a body. Could it be that some kind of ghost was causing trouble?
“Don’t come over here!”
I growled. The quilt floating in the air actually stopped.
“Are you a ghost or a monster?”
I’m not sure this thing can really understand me, but at least I’ve frightened it now. Tushan Knife was in hand, the short blade flashed with a hint of cold light, and the monster under the quilt actually took a few steps back.
“Did you lock up the steel plate? Do you want to kill me?”
I asked loudly, but I didn’t get a response. Of course, I wasn’t stupid enough to rush out directly. At least my back was safe.
I didn’t think so. I didn’t know that I had made a big mistake, but at this moment there was a red light reflected on my head. I first saw the red halo reflected on the ground, and my heart immediately clicked. This red halo must be something I have seen before. That black shadow left behind!
Why is this thing here?
But as soon as I saw the red light, my body began to be restricted. Fortunately, all I saw was the reflection, and the speed of the body was not restricted so quickly. Without thinking much, I immediately pointed the flashlight above my head, and the strong light shone on the black shadow’s eyes. Feel the force binding your body disappear immediately. At the same time, I moved quickly, leaning against the wall and walking to the side. But at this moment, the quilt floated over from a short distance and covered my face. My eyes suddenly went dark, and at the same time, there was a strong force outside the quilt that pressed me down. It hit the wall hard.
“Fuck, what the hell!”
I growled in pain. But the force of the impact became stronger and stronger. It felt like my whole body was about to be shattered. The bones made a “click” sound and my chest felt tight. It felt like I was facing a crazy bison.
I couldn’t see clearly what was going on outside the quilt, but I couldn’t be killed just like that. Taking advantage of the gap between the opponent’s attacks, I lifted up the quilt and then raised the Tushan knife and slashed in front of me indiscriminately.
The blade of the Tushan knife seemed to hit something. Then a terrible scream was heard. After looking carefully, I saw a white thing slowly retreating. It was not tall, but it looked like a person.
he let out a long breath of heavy air from his chest and looked over with a flashlight. The person standing in front of him was actually a girl!
A woman wearing a kimono. She was petite and looked very young, probably in her teens. She had short hair, a pale complexion and long thin eyebrows. The pink kimono she wore looked familiar. I thought about it carefully. , the appearance of this girl, the style of the kimono, it seems that I have seen it somewhere before,
“It’s the doll buried in the playground! Japanese-style do

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