
ed to the money he earned, it’s just a drop in a bucket.”

ed to the money he earned, it’s just a drop in a bucket.”
Chen Ning replied disdainfully: “A drop in a bucket? Do you believe that when he invests to a certain scale, even if it’s a drop in a bucket, the money is still tied to this No one else can touch the industry or this kid, and don’t even think about it!”
Xingsheng spread his hands to show that he knew, but there was nothing he could do.
“By the way, how much money has he made?”
“Excluding the American money and the unsettled money in the Gulf, the vast majority of the more than 14 billion is his.”
“… ”
Chen Ning said unwillingly: “With that much money, if you invest it in other industries, build a house if you want, or mine if you want, even if it is a bank idea, as long as you bring a few of our brothers, we will be in a hornet’s nest. Don’t you dare to poke me?”
“Hey~, you idiot…”
Xing Sheng, who wanted to make a few sarcastic remarks, suddenly closed his mouth and looked thoughtful.
When Chen Ning saw it, he immediately pushed him angrily and said angrily:
“Stop acting and talk about it.”
“Considering the long cycle and continuity of high-tech investment, every time Zhao Song invests in a project, His money is equivalent to a big loss, so we can’t let him invest anymore,”
Xingsheng said while thinking, “If we wait until November, with the current efficiency, God knows how many more projects he will invest in, so… ….”
“So all fools know that we can’t wait any longer, and we can’t let him vote anymore!”
Chen Ning talked and said disdainfully: “But with such a big momentum, who can stop him?”
“Unless… ….”
Xingsheng pointed upward and said with a smile, “Unless someone stops this market war! After all, it will do no good to anyone if it continues.”
Chen Ning’s eyes lit up:
“What do you mean?”
“Ping Zhao? With Song’s cash support, Shenzhou will definitely become larger in scale as the war continues. The larger the scale, the lower the cost. The lower the cost, the war will not end in the short term. In this regard, I believe the old man from Bayji Electric must understand .”
“What then?”
Chen Ning asked urgently.
“Over there, all the resources are concentrated, and a powerful blow is struck.
On our side, let’s split up our efforts and ask the superiors to stop in advance. This will not only prevent both sides from being harmed, but also make Zhao Song give up.”
/Chen Ning understood: “That is, Saying that is equivalent to telling that kid in advance that there will be no policy support from above, so that he can give up and end this irrational market war as soon as possible?”
Xingsheng did not answer, and looked at Erha Chen Ning with a smile that became brighter and brighter:
“Haha~, I didn’t say that. If my student asks me in the future, I won’t admit it.”
“Your uncle’s prosperity is nothing compared to yours!”
“Thank you for the compliment~”
/“Last question , How could the old man over at Wanwan do what you said? ”
“Whether he does it or not, as long as we wait for him to do it, won’t

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