
east, Wei He accidentally discovered some doubts.

east, Wei He accidentally discovered some doubts.
He stood on the island with squinted eyes, looking far ahead at the large gray-white airflow slowly moving on the sea.
The air flow rotated at high speed, connecting the sky and the ground. It was the tornado in Wei He’s impression!
/A tornado is also known as a dragon sucking water. From a distance, it looks like a real long gray dragon, constantly swallowing sea water with its head downwards.
The violent roar of the wind filled Wei He’s hearing.
He stared at the tornado intently.
This huge tornado, which was hundreds of meters high, was slowly passing by him like a roaring beast.
The strong winds and waves alone are enough to overturn an ordinary metal ship dozens of meters long.
Of course, such a level of wind and waves would not affect Wei He’s vision.
However, what made him a little confused was that there seemed to be countless gray and white screams with fear around the tornado.
At this time in his true world vision.
This tornado was gray and white all over, covered with cracks, and streaks of dark red light like blood emerged from the cracks.
Wei He was extremely afraid of him.
Because just now, a dense cloud beast he was chasing rushed towards the tornado in panic, and then was instantly swallowed up and disappeared.
It was a very large, powerful real beast whose strength was at least at the high level of Quanzhen.
But in just an instant, he disappeared completely.
“Is that the eye of the tornado?” Wei He has read relevant information and has some understanding of this kind of tornado.
According to legend, if you encounter a tornado with such appearance and momentum on the sea, it must be a strange natural phenomenon called the eye of the wind.
According to the records in the classics, there were many Da Yue masters who went to investigate on their own in this world’s eye of the storm, but in the end all the investigative masters disappeared.
This world wind eye is like a passage leading to the rest of the space. Anything involved in it will be completely lost and can never be found again.
Watching the eye of the wind move far into the distance and leave.
Wei He also breathed a sigh of relief.
In the afternoon, he jumped out of the clouds and touched the water. In the blink of an eye, he crossed several kilometers and landed on the deck, as light as a feather.
Everyone on the boat was relieved to see him return.
/On this deserted sea, without the escort of masters like Wei He, this ship would probably be destroyed by alien beasts or pirates soon.
“Teacher!” Liu Chengxi had been waiting on the deck. When he saw Wei He getting on the boat, he quickly stepped forward to say hello respectfully.
“Have you finished all your matters?”
“It’s settled, let’s go to Xuanmiao Sect.” Wei He said lightly, seeming to be in a very good mood.
The next step is to return to the sect and wait until the time comes.
The pirate ship slowly turned and sped towards the direction of Xuanmiao Sect.
At this time, the pirate flag o

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