
s this also indicate that the Zhengshen Church monitors, controls and guides important nobles to a certain extent?”

This was what she had thought of in the office of the “Luen Charitable Student Fund” before.
The picture she drew unconsciously reflected this concern!
In psychology, elements depicted in similar states often do not point to specific and specific things, but are more of an abstract expression. And “cold eyes” often reflect the gaze, monitoring, and monitoring of external forces. Control your own and your family’s fears.
Combined with her worries about Hvin Rambis’s psychological implications before unconscious painting, and the memory of Archbishop Backlund presiding over her parents’ high mass at the Church of the Night, Audrey’s interpretation is that she is not only afraid of psychological alchemy. The hypnosis and suggestion, and therefore the fear of the Orthodox Church, cannot be sure that they will not directly use extraordinary abilities to instill ideas into important noble believers and guide them to behave contrary to their true ideals.
For Audrey, who had received an orthodox education since childhood, this was a kind of blasphemy and rebellion, so she became nervous and quickly burned the paper holding the drawing.
After hearing Miss Justice’s question, Alger the Hanged Man sneered:
“Isn’t this a normal thing? To live in human society, you must accept certain monitoring, control and guidance.
“I understand what you are afraid of, but think about it, what is the essential difference between controlling and guiding with power, position, money and guns, and similar actions with extraordinary abilities?
“The difference is that one knows he doesn’t want to do it but has to do it, and the other doesn’t even have the thought of not wanting to do it.”
Audrey nodded immediately and said:
“Yes, this means losing freedom of soul and thought. This is the most terrifying thing.”
/“The Hanged Man” Alger laughed again:
“How can there be absolutely free souls and thoughts? If you choose faith and ideas, you will naturally be bound by faith and ideas. Well, as far as the Kingdom of Loen is concerned, the three major churches are side by side, and with the presence of the royal family, there is no relationship between them. In essence, a check and balance is formed. If the Church of Storms does too much to an important believer, that believer can completely switch to the Church of Night. Therefore, in most cases, the Orthodox Church is more inclined to take advantage of its religious status and proximity in beliefs. To guide important believers, not extraordinary abilities.”
/Checks and balances… “Justice” Audrey pondered this word, and suddenly gained a new understanding of the upper circles of the kingdom and the entire world. This was a word that she had been exposed to in the past, but had not been able to deeply understand.
At this moment, she felt that many of her ideas had suddenly matured.
“Thank you for your answer, Mr. ‘The Hanged Man’.” Audrey used the honorific sincerely, “Then

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