
t for control of his body. Once he wakes up, your second brother will never wake up again.” ‘Jiang Jinyuan’ mused. After a moment, he insisted on his previous decision.

t for control of his body. Once he wakes up, your second brother will never wake up again.” ‘Jiang Jinyuan’ mused. After a moment, he insisted on his previous decision.
“This man’s willpower is unusually strong. Second brother may not be able to defeat him! Can’t we really find another candidate?” ‘Anna’ asked ‘Jiang Jinyuan’ in a panic.
/“No, you see, because the process of seizing the body has been too long, their soul waveforms have begun to merge, and they can’t find other candidates. What we have to do now is to try our best to erase his original memory and give the second brother’s memory a chance. Taking the lead in the soul fusion process, only in this way will it be your second brother, not him.” ‘Jiang Jinyuan’ pointed to the parameters on the screen and explained to ‘Anna’.
“Okay, I’ll inject some more, but the dosage must be strictly controlled.” Anna nodded, although she was hesitant and worried.
/The second brother is ‘Anna”s husband, the love and most important person in her life. In this situation, if Liu Gan’s body and brain are damaged by accident, it will be equivalent to damaging her husband’s future body and brain. , making her have to be extremely cautious.
“Continue to observe his brain waves and various soul indicators, and cross-compare with the second brother’s indicators. Only when it is confirmed that the second brother has successfully seized the body can we stop injecting drugs and wake him up. Otherwise, keep him in a deep sleep state and don’t let him Wake up. “‘Jiang Jinyuan’ came over and explained a few more words to ‘Anna’.
“How can we confirm that the second brother has successfully seized the body?” ‘Anna’ looked worried.
“The current situation is a bit complicated. The second brother’s body and brain were severely injured. If I want to confirm whether the second brother has succeeded in seizing the body, it is difficult to distinguish from the external indicators. Moreover, in this case, the second brother may He couldn’t wake up on his own. “Jiang Jinyuan fell into deep thought.
“There is a way, it just requires you to take an adventure.” ‘Jiang Jinyuan’ looked at ‘Anna’ with some hesitation.
“Tell me quickly, I can do anything for him.” ‘Anna’ answered ‘Jiang Jinyuan’ firmly.
“Well, it’s like this. It’s impossible to tell from the outside whether the second brother has succeeded in seizing the body, but you can enter the soul cabin, return to the memory fragments, and monitor the second brother’s every move. If he still remembers things from time to time inside, The memories that belong to him, and recalling his original identity, proves that we have completely failed and have to give up the second brother.”
“But if a long time has passed for him in the memory fragments, such as a year or even a year in the memory fragments. After a few years, he has never recalled his original identity. It is possible that the second brother succeeded in seizing the body, but the second brother may not remember what we agreed in the laboratory, so you need to wake up when

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