
edge of the cliff, and then use a rope to trip it. Gudong! It will fall off the cliff.” Ma Honghua continued to improve his idea.

edge of the cliff, and then use a rope to trip it. Gudong! It will fall off the cliff.” Ma Honghua continued to improve his idea.
The brainstorming session really collected a lot of ideas. Regardless of whether it worked or not, Liu Qian decided to give it a try. Of course, he also had to make some preparations before trying, such as weaving a few more vines hanging from the sea cliff. If the action failed, he could follow the vines down next time he escaped to the sea cliff. Well, he won’t jump from a height of more than 100 meters.
He was somewhat lucky last time and didn’t fall directly on the rocks. If it happened again, Liu Qian wouldn’t believe that he would still have such good luck.
/After everyone ate some of the food they had brought with them and recovered a little strength, they were ready to return to the top of the cliff.
Liu Qian took out his handheld computer from the dimensional space and looked at it. At this time, the super giant crocodile-headed monster was far away from the seaside where they were, and it had not moved. It should be sleeping.
This super-giant crocodile-headed monster seemed to move at night and sleep during the day. This allowed Liu Qian to calmly try various ways to kill it. Of course, the prerequisite was that he could still escape safely when he was hunted again.
/After everyone climbed up the sea cliff, they found a safe place to rest for a few minutes. Liu Gan asked the team members to stay away from the mountain forest. After watching the green arrows on the screen representing them and going to a safe area outside the mountain forest, he started his journey. layout.
Based on the brainstorming results of the team members, Liu Gan took out a special nano-rope from the dimensional space, woven it into a silk mesh and wrapped it around dozens of huge trees in the mountain forest, and tied it to a height of seven or eight meters. If it exceeds If the giant crocodile-headed monster chases him at high speed, he can easily pass under the rope, but it will definitely be tripped by the rope. It would be better if it can get entangled with it.
After finishing all this, Liu Gan quietly sneaked towards the direction of the super giant crocodile-headed monster. The handheld computer he got in the first four missions was really helpful. He could know the location of the super giant crocodile-headed monster at any time. This made Liu Gan feel more at ease when he acted, without having to worry about suddenly hitting it head-on and being unable to avoid it.
When passing through a quagmire, Liu Gan smeared stinking mud all over his head, face and body. Although it looked like the super giant crocodile-headed monster was sleeping on his handheld computer, who knew if it would suddenly wake up? Doing so is also a precaution.
Judging from the previous battles, this giant crocodile-headed monster has two main attack modes. One is to strike with his claws, and the other is its roar, which has some kind of spiritual attribute. , can suppress Liu Qian’s spirit and make Liu Qian’

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