
Guo Tian suddenly went crazy! Unexpectedly, he was actually sacrificing himself to save others.

Guo Tian suddenly went crazy! Unexpectedly, he was actually sacrificing himself to save others.
“He has always had a very heroic heart. The little kid will one day grow into a man and a real hero. But don’t be sad. Death in the dream is not real death. He just ended this life early. It’s just a dream.” Liu Gan comforted Anna.
Anna didn’t speak anymore, and just continued to look at the end of the small street in the distance. The wind on the rooftop was blowing so hard that people would soon be frozen.
“We have to go down quickly, otherwise his work will be in vain.” Liu Qian said to Anna, found a drainage pipe outside the building, and jumped off the ground easily with the help of it, and then Anna and Zhang Mengdi also After getting down to the ground, he followed Liu Qian and walked quietly to another street in the town.
After finding a lighted house to hide in and closing the curtains, the three of them breathed a sigh of relief and sat down on the sofa. Almost all the houses in this small town have lights on. There is little point in turning off the lights to escape, so just leave the lights on.
/“Brother Liu, you just said that you have some idea of ??the truth of this dream. What did you think of?” Anna asked Liu Gan. Just now, when Liu Qian was about to talk about this matter, he was interrupted by the dozen or so snow-spotted zombies. Only now did he have the opportunity to ask him again.
“I speculate that it is because of the meteorite. The meteorite may have brought some kind of alien life, which was attached to her body and has been watching us through her eyes. Why do we always feel that we are being watched along the way? In fact, we are being watched. Our things are not far away, but right next to us.” Liu Gan looked at Zhang Mengdi and expressed his judgment.
“No way? You said she is an alien?” Anna looked at Zhang Mengdi in surprise.
“I’m not” Zhang Mengdi quickly defended.
“Do you think there is any other more reasonable explanation?” Liu Qian asked Anna.
/“No.” Anna shook her head. She felt that Liu Qian’s inference was reasonable.
“I’m really not an alien.” Zhang Mengdi was so frightened that he almost cried.
“Then how do you explain this?” Liu Gan suddenly reached out and grabbed Zhang Mengdi’s injured hand. A small section of her finger that was cut off by Liu Gan has now grown back intact on her little finger.
“This is the therapeutic effect of brain energy,” Zhang Mengdi explained to Liu Qian nervously, as if she was worried that Liu Qian would cut off her fingers again.
“Oh? Why haven’t I heard you mention it in the past few days?” Liu Qian continued to look at Zhang Mengdi suspiciously.
“I have been conducting research on brain energy therapy, but I cannot control those brain energies. It was scientist Jiang who told me how to control it, and I have made such little progress. If you don’t believe me, you can ask him.” Zhang Mengdi As she spoke, she started crying again, obviously afraid that Liu Gan would cut her finger off again.
“You have a lot of secrets! I’l

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