
ed, seven glass bottles filled with reddish liquid revealed their true appearance in the hazy mist.

ed, seven glass bottles filled with reddish liquid revealed their true appearance in the hazy mist.
“Oh my God”
Raymond, who was still regretting his lack of self-esteem, looked up and opened his mouth little by little. His face was filled with dullness, and he was dumbfounded, looking at Lin Yun. When I saw him, his eyes were straight and full of fear, as if I was looking at some monster!
/This, this, this, shouldn’t be a colorful potion!
Raymond remembered clearly that when he had just advanced to become a mage a few months ago, the academy, in order to reward him, allowed him to enter the Oakland laboratory for a week of study. There, he saw a completely different world, where he could… It is said to be the academic center of the kingdom. There are two titled magicians and seven great alchemists there. It is said that there is even a master who actually presides over the Oakland Laboratory. Their presence makes the Oakland Laboratory a place where countless magicians alchemize. A holy place in the teacher’s heart.
/When Raymond walked in, he really felt like a pilgrim.
That week was like a dream for Raymond. He was in the academic center of the kingdom and could see characters who only existed in legends every day. If he was lucky enough, he could even hear their discussions occasionally. Occasionally observing their research is a lifetime treasure for Raymond.
Not many people have such an opportunity as Raymond. Whether they are titled magicians or great alchemists, they are all figures who stand at the pinnacle of their respective fields. To a certain extent, they have broken away from the ordinary world. Their inadvertent words If you say this, it is very likely that a mage like Raymond will suddenly become enlightened and even save many years of detours.
Raymond still remembers that on the afternoon of the third day of that week, he was lucky enough to watch the great alchemist Gustav make a potion. It was a bottle of colorful potion specially used to purify the impurities of the magic whirlpool. For those who have already For a mage who stands at the pinnacle of a mage and is eager to smash the magic whirlpool and step into the realm of an archmage, the value of this bottle of colorful potion is simply immeasurable.
This is a miracle of alchemy. For Raymond, who witnessed the miracle with his own eyes, every detail of that time is worth cherishing. The young mage even feels that even if it takes a few decades, he will still not be able to recall everything at that time. A little missing.
It’s still a few decades away now, so Raymond naturally remembers everything at that time more clearly.
Perhaps it was because he remembered it too clearly that Raymond seemed so out of his mind.
The seven glass bottles now placed on the alchemy table, whether it was the smell they emitted or the magic fluctuations they produced, were actually the same as the bottle of colorful potion at that time. Exactly the same!
What does this mean? It means that in my eyes, the magic apprentice who has been stu

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