
ordinary soldiers are soldiers who are forcibly upgraded by the mercenary group using strengthening potions. These soldiers are almost all entry-level soldiers, and few can reach the intermediate level. These soldiers are also the mercenary group who use strengthening potions in every battle. consumes the most combat power.

Since such soldiers can be continuously cultivated as long as there are strengthening potions, so as long as they are not special talents among them, the mercenary group will not pay too much attention to these soldiers.
Of course, strengthening potions are not 100% able to spawn soldiers. Soldiers who take strengthening potions must at least have certain talents, and then they also have a certain success rate when being promoted to soldiers.
In addition, each such soldier needs to be equipped with exoskeleton armor and first-level weapons, and undergo several years of training.
All these require the mercenary group to spend a lot of time and wealth. At the same time, after these ordinary soldiers die in battle, pensions also need to be given. Otherwise, how could there be so many ordinary soldiers working hard for the mercenary group.
David saw part of the red dot receding on his visor, and he was also wondering in his heart.
However, the number of these red dots was not large, and more red dots targeted his position, forming a large encirclement.
The red dot closest to David is in another row of aisles, separated by two rows of cabins.
David pushed open the hatch next to him. Although the hatch was locked from the inside, it could not withstand the soldier’s push and the hatch opened easily.
“Sorry to bother you, let me borrow it for a moment!” Seeing a young man and woman hugging each other in fear in the room, huddled in the corner, David apologized through the voice of the exoskeleton armor.
This is already a battlefield, so David has no way to worry about disturbing these passengers by destroying the bulkhead. This is inevitable.
David didn’t need the two’s reply. He came to the wall opposite the door. With a swing of the third-grade heavy ax in his hand, a round hole was opened in the wall, and then David passed through the wall.
When David walked through the wall, he grabbed the opened wall in his hand and carefully placed it on the ground. The whole process was silent.
In the cabin on the other side of the wall, there was a middle-aged man who was looking at David with horrified eyes. David nodded slightly to him and then made a silence gesture.
The middle-aged man obviously understood what David meant and covered his mouth with his hand to prevent him from making any noise accidentally.
David made an encouraging gesture to the middle-aged man. At this time, the twelve red dots had arrived outside the cabin.
First, the shadow attendant flew out of the cabin, allowing David to see the positions of all twelve soldiers.
Then David walked gently to the door and gently turned the doorknob.
“Everyone, please be careful. All twelve members of Group 32 and 33 were killed, and I

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