
k a long time ago, but Ke Ming hurt me. She called my parents and asked them to send someone to put me under house arrest and not give me any electronic products. As a result, I didn’t come back until now.” Mo Fan Explained a few words to Liu Qian.

k a long time ago, but Ke Ming hurt me. She called my parents and asked them to send someone to put me under house arrest and not give me any electronic products. As a result, I didn’t come back until now.” Mo Fan Explained a few words to Liu Qian.
“You don’t have any electronic products? Then how did you come back?” Liu Gan asked Mo Fan a little strangely. He had previously advised the Wang brothers and sisters to go to the wild and not touch any electronic products.
“I thought of a way to concentrate and imagine that I was sitting in front of a computer, wearing VR equipment and preparing to play Thriller World. When I concentrated enough, a dialog box really appeared in front of me. After I confirmed , just came back here.” Mo Fan explained a few words to Liu Qian.
/“Is this okay?” Liu Qian shook his head. The man in front of him was really an alien. It seemed like nothing in the world could stump him.
“How could my great reputation be ruined in Xiao Ming’s hands?” Mo Fan said with a slightly proud expression.
“How’s the situation over there?” Liu Gan turned to the topic.
“We have really returned to the real world, and it is very consistent with everything after we left. Is the real world we are in really just an imagination, and this is the real world?” Mo Fan had a look of confusion on his face. .
“Very real?”
“Yes, very real, so real that you can’t think that it is not the real real world. Although I have already deduced this conclusion, after feeling that real world, I still have a chilling feeling. “Mo Fan shook his head, his face looking a little ugly.
Liu Qian said nothing. Although Mo Fan’s inference was becoming more and more true, he still suspected that this was not the true truth of the trembling world.
“After we entered the teleportation cabin, did you feel space fluctuations, space tearing, etc.?” Mo Fan asked Liu Qian.
“No.” Liu Qian shook his head. Although he was not sure what space fluctuations and space tearing looked like, if he teleported, it would have to be at least like the way he teleported from Tranquility City to Tundra City, right? The soul cabin definitely doesn’t have this function.
“In other words, if those of them who are preparing to return to the real world don’t come out after three days, they will lie in this transport cabin forever and never wake up.” Mo Fan muttered to himself .
“Is this the truth about the Thriller World? We are like Neo in The Matrix. The real world we live in is actually just a figment of our imagination. This is the real world?” Mo Fan looked increasingly confused. .
Although his psychological quality was the best among all players, and he himself had deduced some conclusions, when the conclusion was bloodyly presented to him, he still felt a little confused and shocked.
“Now we can only say that the artificial intelligence of Novice Village wants us to think so. As for the real truth of the Trembling World, it’s hard to say yet.” Liu Qian shook his head again.
The only thing he can be sure of now is that the real truth will

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