
it has been corrupted by some force.

“No problem now.”
/Forsi, who had been purified by Mr. Fool, had a thought in his heart. Just as he was about to ask for advice on how to save Xio, his eyes suddenly turned red and another light appeared.
After a short interval, she found herself back in the real world and in the Delaire Forest. The dark spots on the back of her hands and wrists were quickly fading and receding, and the blood in her nose had stopped.
Turning around, he saw Xio weakly holding on to the tree next to her, with black spots on her face, which were extremely scary. The muscles on both sides of Forsi’s neck tensed suddenly, and her thoughts began to spin rapidly.
A few seconds later, she quickly approached, held Xio’s shoulders, and said quickly:
“I have a way to save you, but you need to do what I describe
“Speak in ancient Hermetic language, a fool who does not belong to this era”
Xio struggled to open her swollen eyelids, looked at Forsi for two seconds, and then recited in a low voice:
“A fool who is not of this age;
“The mysterious master above the gray fog;
“The King of Yellow and Black who controls good luck”
Before he finished speaking, Xiu was shocked to see a dark red starlight pouring out of nothingness and sweeping over him.
The indescribable roar lasted for a second and disappeared from Xio’s ears. She then saw that she was in an ancient and majestic palace, sitting at a long mottled green table, with boundless gray mist under her feet. , and there is a figure looking down at him in front of him, giving him a majestic feeling.
This scene was both strange and familiar to her. She had seen it once in a “dream” and never recalled it after the exorcism ceremony.
That purification actually had no effect. Xio suddenly came up with such an idea. After thinking about it, he stood up and saluted the figure shrouded in gray mist:
“You are the great king of yellow and black”
She didn’t appear too surprised or frightened. She seemed to have expected it.
“You can just call me Mr. Fool, sit down.” The figure with a breath like mountains and seas responded calmly.
Xio saluted again, sat down, and confirmed that he was out of the bad state just now.
She looked around, thought for a while and said:
“Dear Mr. Fool, is there a seat here in Falswall?”
The “Fool” shrouded in gray mist nodded slightly and said:
Xio was silent for a second and then said directly:
“Can I join like her?”
“The Fool” chuckled:
“This was a party organized by themselves, called by me.
“There are still seats available and you can join.
“Draw a card. They all use one of the Tarot main cards as their code name here.”
Xiu didn’t ask or say much, he nodded immediately and said:
“Yes, Mr. Fool.”
On the long bronze table in front of her, there was immediately a deck of tarot cards.
Xio stretched out her right hand, cut the cards solemnly, took out one, and turned it over on the table.
Her card depicts angels holding trumpets and the dead awaiting redemption.
“Judgement” card
After taking a look at

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