
earching underwater temporarily and go to the ground to catch you. That’s all. Once or twice, my time is almost enough.” Ryoko Sanada thought for a while and answered Liu Gan.

earching underwater temporarily and go to the ground to catch you. That’s all. Once or twice, my time is almost enough.” Ryoko Sanada thought for a while and answered Liu Gan.
“Okay.” Liu Qian had no other better choice now.
/“Don’t stay in the same place for too long. Pay attention to your safety. He can kill you with one slap.” Ryoko Sanada grabbed Liu Gan and added a few words to him.
“I know.” Liu Qian responded, then turned around and swam quickly into the distance.
After floating on the water, Liu Qian quickly came to the shore. After landing, he wildly released the thunder of death and blue fireballs at a dozen nearby buildings. After the fourth stage of the brain, the power of the thunder of death was no longer at all. It was no less powerful than a missile, and each blue fireball was no less powerful than a rocket. In just a short time, Liu Gan razed a dozen nearby buildings to the ground.
/Liu Gan retreated to the river and wreaked havoc on several other buildings. A patrol came over and tried to stop Liu Gan, but under Liu Gan’s violent bombardment, they did not dare to get close and could only shout loudly. support.
Not long after, Liu Gan saw Yun Zhouyang rising menacingly from the river. He must have sensed the violent energy fluctuations on Liu Gan’s side, so he gave up searching at the bottom of the river and returned to the ground.
Liu Gan showed no sign of fighting and jumped into the river to escape by diving into the underground river.
Yun Zhouyang had quick eyes and quick hands, and slammed down a huge energy palm. This time, the palm that was struck was an electric energy palm. Although Liu Qian had escaped from the attack range of the electric palm, he was still hit by the powerful electric current. The iron walls and battle armor were destroyed one by one, and most of the fog armor was drained.
But at least he managed to escape.
Liu Qian did not surface again to challenge Yun Zhouyang, but just dived into the complicated underground waterway as quickly as possible. Thinking that the scene just now had delayed Sanada Ryoko enough time, those red thread worm nests should have taken shape. ?
The rest is up to her.
After Yun Zhouyang slapped Liu Gan with his palm, he did not continue the underwater search. Instead, he kept cruising on the water and sent many more patrols to guard both sides of the holy river. If anything unusual was found, he would immediately Report to him.
This kind of patrol was meaningless. Sanada Ryoko easily broke through their blockade and went to the Holy Tower. She killed several staff members and then entered the Holy City Weather Control Center.
After some operations on the console, Sanada Ryoko put the red worm cyst nests into a large cloud-making water storage device and evaporated them into the high altitude, quickly filling the entire sky of the Holy City. For a time, there were dark clouds over the Holy City. Densely covered, thunder rumbled.
“Are there any plans for rain today?” Yun Zhouyang felt something was wrong and asked the attenda

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