
ENUA’ some chips. Among the hundreds of people, it seems that there are a few people who are wearing a full set of white clothes. After killing them and seizing the chips, he should be able to pay back the ‘Thriller’ ZENUA’s favor.

ENUA’ some chips. Among the hundreds of people, it seems that there are a few people who are wearing a full set of white clothes. After killing them and seizing the chips, he should be able to pay back the ‘Thriller’ ZENUA’s favor.
“Liu! Don’t be a coward. Come out!” Several tribesmen from the Hell Killing Fields stood outside the protective shield and shouted to Liu Gan.
/When it got dark, the players were all returning to the city. They stopped when they saw this scene and looked over here together.
Everyone is familiar with the scene before them. It must be that a certain player offended several big family alliances, and then hundreds of players surrounded and killed this player.
Everyone inside and outside the shield of Qingzhu City looked at Liu Qian, this unlucky boy, with pity. How did he make so many families and hundreds of people so angry that they wanted to hunt him down? In such a situation, it’s better not to leave the city, right? Once you leave the city, you will die at the hands of these people sooner or later.
And it seems that Liu Qian has not joined any family, so he has no backer. In this situation, ordinary players can only rely on those big families and let the patriarchs of the big families come forward to coordinate.
But if you get into trouble and get into a big family, there may not be a family that will take you in. For now, you should just stay in the city and don’t go anywhere, otherwise you will only die!
Dying in Thriller World is not like dying in other online games. You will really die! If you die in other games, you can just click on it to resurrect safely. If you get a grudge, you can just change your account and practice again. But in the Thriller World, unless it is an important member of the family, no one will spend so many energy coins and find resurrection stones to resurrect.
“Don’t be a coward! Come out of the city and fight!” The players in the Hell Killing Ground are now outnumbered. They have swept away the bad luck of being killed by Liu Gan before and dared not say a word. They asked the protector Liu Gan inside the hood kept yelling and cursing loudly.
More and more players gathered inside and outside the protective shield. Some players who came back from outside saw the scolding scene and subconsciously stopped, wanting to see the excitement.
“You must not go out. If you go out, you will be dead.” A kind player quietly took a few steps closer and said to Liu Gan.
“That’s right! Don’t go out in this situation.” Some well-meaning players also gave Liu Gan a few words of advice. Although they didn’t know what happened, when they saw so many people bullying one person, they still instinctively Have sympathy for the weak.
With more than a thousand players inside and outside the city watching, Liu Gan made a decision that surprised everyone. He actually walked out of the protective cover and attacked the hell killing field outside as well as the clan leaders and clan leaders of several of their allied clans. He rushed over to where the elites gathere

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