
huge shadow on its psychology and made it difficult for him to fight. I just used an empty city strategy to scare it away.

huge shadow on its psychology and made it difficult for him to fight. I just used an empty city strategy to scare it away.
If the advanced evil bear had a lower intelligence, or was smarter than it is now, it would not have fallen into the trap. That is to say, its slightly enlightened but not fully enlightened intelligence allowed Liu Qian to successfully deceive it. .
But Liu Qian also exhausted the last bit of physical strength and energy in his body. He was so weak that he almost passed out again.
/“Go into the cave, cut down the nearby thorny shrubs, build a wall outside the cave, and light a bonfire at the entrance of the cave.” Liu Qianqiang confessed a few words to Han Guangming. He knew that if he didn’t confess, Han Guangming might do it. Make some bad decisions.
“Are you staying in the cave? The cave is the evil bear’s lair. It will definitely come back. If it comes back,” Han Guangming didn’t finish his words, but the meaning was obvious. With Master Liu’s current physical condition, once this happened The evil bear is back, but none of them can really resist the attack of the evil bear.
“It has a certain intelligence. It must have mistakenly thought that we came to attack it and wanted to occupy its nest, so it ran away. If we abandon this place and escape, it will think that we are timid and will follow us again. Attack us; but if we stick here and occupy its nest by force, it will think that we are very powerful and will not dare to attack us again.” Liu Gan explained his approach to Han Guangming.
There is nothing we can do about it. If we give up the cave and escape and show weakness to this evil bear, all the team members will definitely die, so we can only carry out the empty city strategy to the end. At least we can win a glimmer of hope. Whether it works or not, we can only leave it to fate. .
“Master Liu is wise! Let’s go to the cave right now.” After Han Guangming understood, he quickly supported Liu Gan and led the team members into the cave.
The inside of this cave is about five to seven meters high and more than ten meters deep. Under the light of the torch, a large amount of bear hair can be seen on the ground and walls. It seems that this is indeed the lair of the advanced evil bear.
There were some animal bones deep in the cave. In addition, the team members also found the clothes of Wei Liang and the female team member, as well as the parts of their bodies that had been eaten, making the cave look very eerie. fear.
/Liu Gan had passed out again. After the team members quickly cleared a dry place in the cave, they laid Liu Gan’s body flat there. Then, while the night was not too deep, they left the cave and cut down trees nearby. Plenty of firewood and some thorny shrubs.
Firewood was used to light a bonfire, and shrubs were piled outside the cave to form a thorny shrub wall. All wild beasts that move in the jungle are very afraid of these thorny shrubs, and they will actively avoid these thorny shrubs. area.
As for whether the mutated monsters will be afraid of thes

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