
took half an hour and more than a dozen tests. After accelerating several times, it reached the speed of the first stage.

took half an hour and more than a dozen tests. After accelerating several times, it reached the speed of the first stage.
Liu Gan raised the level of the mysterious energy. Five minutes later, he raised Serenity’s speed to the speed of light, and then jumped into the space tunnel.
/Liu Gan expected to jump about two light years in the direction of Trisolaran civilization, but when he came out of the space tunnel, actual measurements found that he had only jumped less than a quarter of a light year, which was shorter than the expected distance. About ten times.
If you want to take Serenity and jump to the vicinity of the Trisolaran civilization, you will need to jump at least twenty times. Including the time to repair the power equipment, it will take almost a month.
According to Liu Gan’s estimation, the Trisolaran civilization should be in the middle of the first stage of civilization. Compared with the earth’s civilization in the early stage of the first stage of civilization, it is much higher, and the corresponding technologies in all aspects are also higher. If Earth’s technology can successfully plunder the Trisolaran civilization, his current strength will definitely be greatly enhanced.
After being blown up by the Trisolaran civilization’s hydrogen bomb, Liu Qian certainly wanted to take revenge. At the same time, there was still a lot of technology to plunder. Therefore, there is no doubt that Liu Qian’s current goal and all the preparations he has made are to conquer and plunder the Trisolaran civilization.
You can’t eat hot tofu in a hurry. Although Liu Qian now has the ability to carry Serenity to the Trisolaran civilization, he will not just kill it. Serenity has heavy machine gun weapons, laser weapons, and four missile launchers. This amount of force is simply not enough compared to the orbital defense system of the Trisolaran civilization.
This is a protracted war. If Liu Gan wants to win this war, he must have more troops and warships.
There is one thing that is very beneficial to Liu Gan.
That is, the Trisolaran civilization is now in the freezing stage. Probably in order to avoid the capricious three stars, they used planetary engines to push the planet far away from the star. Although the planet is temporarily safe, the development of science and technology has not Doubts will be blocked.
/A civilization hiding underground can probably only maintain its current state of survival. It will be very difficult to make new breakthroughs in science and technology.
However, Liu Qian now has the earth’s seven billion population as his base, and resources and manpower can be used at his disposal. As long as the technology reaches a certain level, it is only a matter of time to build a huge space fleet.
Liu Qian’s materials technology team, led by a scientist named Chen Ce, carefully studied the materials that were strengthened by Liu Qian’s energy, and reversely developed the technology of using high-energy particles to strengthen alloy materials.
The strengthening of materials by hig

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