
e excited and pressed the yellow button hurriedly. As he kept pressing the yellow button, the straight line on the small screen shook again, and the amplitude of the shaking was also small. It is much larger than before.

e excited and pressed the yellow button hurriedly. As he kept pressing the yellow button, the straight line on the small screen shook again, and the amplitude of the shaking was also small. It is much larger than before.
“Zhigang! Huang Yi! Are you here?” Wang Chao’s shout suddenly came from outside. It seemed that he was disturbed by the rumbling sound of the ceiling opening, so he found this place.
If Liu Zhigang and Huang Yi hadn’t had their hearing enhanced, they probably wouldn’t have been able to hear Wang Chao’s shouts because of the noise from the blower.
“Shhh” Liu Zhigang gestured to Huang Yi, telling him to be silent. The iron cabinet outside will automatically return to cover the secret door of the cold storage. As long as they don’t make a sound, Wang Chao won’t be able to find it for a while.
Even if he finally came in, the worst thing is that he didn’t hear him shouting, so he didn’t respond.
Huang Yi hesitated, but in the end he didn’t respond to Wang Chao’s shout. After Wang Chao shouted a few times but no one responded, he stopped shouting. He didn’t know whether he was continuing to look for the source of the rumbling sound or left. This factory.
/“We have to speed up. Maybe this yellow button is the key to breaking the ice.” Liu Zhigang pressed the yellow button hard. At the same time, the straight line on the small screen shook faster and faster. From the original few minutes A jitter once quickly became a jitter every half a minute, and the amplitude of the jitter became larger and larger.
The ice, which had not melted much due to the dual effects of ground heating and blower air, suddenly made a cracking sound. Several cracks appeared on the ice surface, and some small ice cubes appeared in flakes from the larger ice. The surface of the block came off!
“What you did is working. The ice seems to be breaking!” Huang Yi looked at the cracks popping up in the ice, looking very nervous and a little excited.
Fortunately, the cold storage was big enough, and the iron cabinet they were in was several meters away from the ice cubes. Even if the ice cubes cracked, they probably wouldn’t hit them.
Liu Zhigang continued to press the yellow button. Once the sound of liquid flowing inside stopped, he let go for a moment, then pressed it again, and the sound of liquid flowing inside started again. Although Liu Zhigang didn’t know what the meaning of this was, it seemed to have worked, accelerating the breaking of the ice.
After a while, all the blowers stopped blowing hot air to the ice cubes, and the round cover was closed again. Huang Yi walked over and took a look, and soon understood that the ice cubes were divided into pieces by some metal pieces. The air blower had just blown away the outer layer of ice, exposing the metal partitions inside.
And these metal separators are emitting heat at this time, melting the entire huge block of ice and dividing it into small cubes of ice!
“Isn’t this just a large ice machine?” Huang Yi couldn’t help but feel disappointed after seeing this sc

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