
alled three yins and four grievances refer to the two different patterns appearing on a piece of land. The three yins refer to earth yin, water yin and stone yin. The four resentments refer to the resentment of the wind, the resentment of the mountains, the resentment of the trees, and the resentment of the living things.

alled three yins and four grievances refer to the two different patterns appearing on a piece of land. The three yins refer to earth yin, water yin and stone yin. The four resentments refer to the resentment of the wind, the resentment of the mountains, the resentment of the trees, and the resentment of the living things.
In this kind of place, no vegetation grows, and birds and animals are everywhere. The specific performance is the word “black”. The rocks, soil, and even the water flowing around it will appear black, and the vegetation, if any, will be dead, especially the trees. If you split the outer skin and find that the inside is pitch black, that is an obvious sign.
This pattern is sometimes used by zombie exorcists and corpse refiners, and is the best place to deal with zombies or evil creatures.
If the ancestor sealed with zombie blood is in the land of three evil spirits and four resentments, it is not impossible. The situation Tang Yuyan mentioned is a good breakthrough.
“It seems we have a clue. We can start from here on the Three Yin and Four Resentments!” I said, with the first real smile on my face in the past few days.
“Oh, you can still smile. I thought you were born with a bitter melon face!” I never thought that Tang Yuyan next to me laughed out loud when she saw me laughing. I immediately flattened my lips and said, “Fat man, give Boss Song a call and go there for dinner tonight.”
After we rescued Boss Song’s relatives, Jufu Restaurant has almost become a holy place for dining, and we don’t go there every day . . Boss Song refused to accept money for an occasional party. Originally, based on how much we ate, except for the fat man, we couldn’t eat much. But after Tang Yuyan joined in, she actually ate more than the fat man! After the few dishes we usually order, there are many more. This girl’s ability to eat has refreshed several of our worldviews. So much so that Luo Qiong even muttered: “Brother Cui, I will never laugh at you for having a good appetite again.” After
eating, they went home. Yuan Feng is now temporarily living in a rental house that Fatty found for her. , the place is not bad. The landlord is a 60-year-old aunt who is very warm and friendly. She used to have some friendship with Mr. Cui. Of course, we don’t pay less rent. During the holidays, we will bring some things to visit her.
/The fat man drove us downstairs. I didn’t plan to go up there, and I never thought that the landlady happened to be walking downstairs. When she saw us, she immediately said enthusiastically: “Oh, we just happened to meet each other today. Don’t leave, let’s all come in and have a cup of tea.”
I actually wanted to go home. Go to bed, it’s been a long day and I didn’t sleep well last night, but I couldn’t resist the enthusiasm of the old lady. I had no choice but to bite the bullet and enter the house. After telling the old aunt about Tang Yuyan’s situation, she didn’t care. She just told her to stay and gave her new towels and a washbasin.
While drinking tea. Everyone was talking

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