
ding go. You can prepare a helicopter for me. And One million dollars in cash.

ding go. You can prepare a helicopter for me. And One million dollars in cash.
It cost me all my money to buy bomb materials, otherwise I would never live in such a terrible place. The water in the toilet can’t be flushed. It’s so disgusting!”
Sanchez heard the other party say this He is a policeman and has no explanation.
The real police are verifying other reports. The governor and the president jointly issued an order. Police from several nearby cities also came to support. They have been working overtime in the past few nights to search, and they should be here soon.
It’s possible to kill McVeigh before he grabs the ball, but there’s no guarantee that he won’t be able to press the button.
Sanchez planned to wait until the bomb disposal experts eliminated the other bombs in the building.
According to what McVeigh did in the government building the day before yesterday, the possibility of installing a bomb in this building is extremely high. He has experience in blasting.
But McVeigh had no intention of letting him get his wish, and continued: “Hey, you want to delay time? I will only give you one hour to prepare the conditions I mentioned. Don’t expect those idiots to be able to defuse the bomb I installed. There are so many buildings around.” Duo, do you know why I chose this dilapidated building? The natural gas pipeline in Oklahoma City passes through the bottom of the building. I can tell you that I welded those bombs to the pipeline. You can dismantle it, but if something happens If you make a little mistake, half of the city will be buried with us! You are just a government-paid rice bug, you won’t lose your life for us, right?”
Sanchez suddenly had a headache. He had no way to deal with this madman at the moment, and said in his mouth He said: “Okay, let me ask the chief. The bank is closed at this time. One million dollars is a bit troublesome. Give us three hours to prepare.” ”
Two hours, I will see those in two hours.” Don’t evacuate the people in this building, I will watch from the window.”
/“Okay, you wait.”
Sanchez stepped back, put away the gun and hurried downstairs.
Hearing an FBI executive ask a question, he ignored him and asked Han Xuan to call Han Xuan on his mobile phone to ask for help.
In the eyes of Sanchez, Han Xuan has the most clever ideas
on the other side of the world.
The small fishing boat was floating alone on the sea, and Gabriel was pushing a man’s head into the water.
The man struggled desperately, and when his head was pulled up, he coughed heartbreakingly, and seawater and tears were mixed together.
He shouted with a cry: “Why! Why did you do this to me!”
Han Xuan sat on the edge of the boat, holding a fishing rod, swaying with the waves, and said calmly: “Why do I do this, don’t you know?
Obviously I’ve warned you not to get close to Lady Cecilia again.
I let you off the hook, but you insist on coming back again. Is this name Isabelle Koch familiar?
Also, the British potter Johnny Carter Dashan, you died a few months ago. You are treat

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