

When they returned to the hotel door, they thought that Gabriel had stopped pursuing it. Suddenly, Gabriel clamped their heads between the two of them, cursing them like “You want to die, you little bitch” and so on.
Han Xuan took off his frozen cotton-padded clothes, shook off the snow from his pants and shoes, and walked through the door.
/The cleaners were mopping the floor. After several people fell down on the smooth floor, a layer of black non-slip mats was added to lead to the elevator entrance, information desk and other places.
Hearing someone calling his name, Han Xuan turned around and saw a girl wearing a white down jacket running over with a smile: “Christina, long time no see.” ”
Yes, it’s been more than two months. I’ve been beaten. I called your house, but you weren’t there.”
This girl, who was rescued because of Han Xuan, is now much more cheerful after experiencing the kidnapping incident for several months.
Compared with Anya, who is of mixed race, she is a typical American girl, with slightly curly yellow hair, obvious double eyelids, and a pointed chin. Judging from her current appearance, she should be very beautiful when she grows up.
Mr. and Mrs. Phillips were standing in the distance waving hello. Han Xuan saw them holding coats in their hands, touched Christina’s head and asked, “Where are you going to play?” ”
Well, let’s look at meteorites and woolly cows. , I heard that the ski resort will open soon. My parents will take me skiing in the afternoon.”
“Really? I plan to go there in the afternoon too, maybe we will meet each other. Have you had lunch? We are about to go, we can go together.”
Han Xuan Guang was concentrating on talking and didn’t see Anyana’s expression behind him, as if someone had robbed her toy.
The United States has boyfriends and girlfriends in kindergarten, and the United States has sex in public at the age of seven. The examples around her are enough for Anya to know what it means to like.
Likewise, Kristina knew.
When Han Xuan, whom she thought about several times a day, asked herself if she had eaten, Christina patted her belly and answered him naturally.
“I’ve eaten a little, but I’m still a little hungry.”
With strange eyes, Dai Ni looked at Han Xuan, Anya and Kristina who were walking side by side in front of her from time to time.
She didn’t think Han Xuan would be a playboy, but from her own perspective as a woman, she felt that he was too good.
If Han Xuan continues to treat the girls like this, they will not be able to tolerate anyone else in their eyes, and no one will look down on him compared to him.
The unrestrained American women will not let go of any opportunity to get

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