
few months ago, news came from the Federation of Freedom that you were missing in the space battlefield. In that case, everyone thought you were dead. It was just required by law to declare you missing for one year.” Only then can he be deemed dead.

few months ago, news came from the Federation of Freedom that you were missing in the space battlefield. In that case, everyone thought you were dead. It was just required by law to declare you missing for one year.” Only then can he be deemed dead.
“Of course,” Zhang Lisheng was stunned for a while and said with a dumb smile: “It seems that the facts have disappointed you, dear sister, but if you want to become a rich man, it doesn’t have to be so troublesome. I can …”
/Ruili looked into the dark eyes of the black-haired young man beside her, interrupted his joke, and slowly finished what she wanted to say: “Li Sheng, that news did not make anyone happy. We are all grieving for the loss of a brother. So sad.
Your help to all the family members is actually in our hearts, so no matter where you plan to adventure now, please take care and remember that there is more than one person worried about you in the new Washington City in Noah’s world. ”
Still not used to such frank expressions of feelings from Americans, Zhang Lisheng moved his eyes away uncomfortably and lowered his head, “Oh, Ruili, you said that, um…”, he didn’t know what to say for a moment, and when he saw His shy look made Ruili suddenly feel an inexplicable throbbing in her heart, and she asked abruptly: “Li Sheng, do you have a girlfriend now?” ”
Well, I guess you do.” Unconsciously flashed through her mind. Tina, who became a god in the ‘Falon World’, Tracy, who is still lurking in the civilization of Atlantis, and Guo Caiying, who has returned to China and has higher power, Zhang Lisheng couldn’t help but have a bitter smile on his lips. He blurted out the answer.
“That’s a terrible answer. It’s just like I guessed. A man as charming as you must be the worst lover.” After hearing this ambiguous answer, Ruili turned her eyes to the busy street outside the car window. , at this time the car happened to stop slowly, she said, “I’m here, thank you for taking me to work.
And thank you for the car, I will accept it.”, opened the car door, and walked towards the skyscraper not far away. Walk to the building.
Looking at the back of the young female reporter walking away, Zhang Lisheng, who could not understand her complex mood, showed a baffled expression. However, God Wu Li, who had many things on his mind, did not think much about it. When the car restarted, he had already focused on How to deal with yourself more properly in the oasis of 170,000 square kilometers in Noah’s world.
Two hours later, in the wooden house on the edge of the oasis that was the starting point of ls Group’s Guangbo Green Space, which was run through by a small river, Charlie described the bright future vision of ‘ls’ to Zhang Lisheng with excitement, “Boss, the total number of oasis we have developed is… One hundred and seventy-one thousand two hundred and twenty-three square kilometers.
Across the United States in the newly divided New York of Noah’s world…New Washington, the four most prosperous franchise states, which means that if the oasis constructio

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