
tant river for the Roman people in the southern end of the continent. One of the water sources.

tant river for the Roman people in the southern end of the continent. One of the water sources.
One morning in early spring, in a valley beside the Red Shrimp River that had just been dyed green by the spring breeze, in the most spacious and elegant two-story stone house in the center of a prosperous town that had just changed its owner, there were more than twenty people who looked like they were already elderly. The Roman warrior is saluting his new lord.
/These slightly aged warriors are all the non-eldest sons of the Roman warrior family who cannot inherit the family business. They are also the lucky ones in the regular army of the Tate leader.
They survived the long years of fighting and survived beyond retirement age. In exchange for guarding the property of the nobles, they received a small piece of land and a few serfs to work instead, and became branches of Roman warrior families.
It can be said that the reputation and destiny of these people and even the entire family are extremely closely linked to the lord they finally loyal to. Unless encountering extremely special circumstances, the question of loyalty does not need to be considered at all.
/But even so, when bending towards the short black-haired, yellow-skinned aliens, these tall warriors could not help but be exposed. A strange look of reluctance.
Well three days ago. Under the protection of hundreds of “Tatedu” elite air riders, the black-haired young man from another world who became the new master of Green River Town did not express dissatisfaction with the disrespect of his samurai. He sat on a large log chair. While drinking milk wine. While eating the steak, he waved his hands casually and said: “Don’t be too polite. Dear brave warriors. Stand up straight. I have something to ask you. I have sent invitations to other towns and manor knights and warrior leaders in the Xire Mountains. ”
Xilei Mountain is not big. My lord, all the invitations were sent out last night.” Upon hearing the new lord’s inquiry, the warrior leader guarding the order of the town replied loudly. He was taller than the average Roman. He was a head taller, and his strong body was like a wall blocking the short black-haired young man. Although his words were polite, there was not even the most basic respect in his tone.
“Then will they come in three days?” Looking up at the leader of the Roman warriors, Zhang Lisheng put down his wine glass and asked again nonchalantly.
“That’s good.” Zhang Lisheng showed a satisfied smile, and then he heard a huge noise coming from outside the stone house.
“Who was so noisy early in the morning? The town has changed its master and there are no rules. Adoman went to see what happened. If the civilians ‘screamed’, they would be rewarded with a few whips; if they were untouchables or slaves, they would put up wooden frames. , Hang the guy who screamed the loudest.” After hearing the noise, the warrior leader frowned, and directly ordered loudly without looking at the black-haired young man in front of him.
“Yes, Lord Lomanzi.”

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