
organization is similar to the “Psychological Alchemy Society”. It was born only a hundred or two hundred years ago. It combines elements of various schools of occultism and has its own set of theories. Its members are good at casting spells and master many ancient witchcrafts.

Edwina pursed her lips and said:
“They have been fighting against the Trappists of Moss.
“The rumor is that it was established by Bernadette Gustave, the eldest daughter of Emperor Russell.”
The prophecy that the leader of the “Elemental Dawn” is Bernadette Zarath is quite accurate. This person is really a big shot in the extraordinary world. Klein felt a little sad in his heart.
He resisted the urge to sigh, looked at “Vice Admiral Iceberg” Edwina, and said calmly:
“last question.”
When the beautiful lady and “Fire Flame” Daniz turned their attention to each other, he grinned slightly:
“Are you interested in collaborating?”
“What kind of cooperation?” Edwina asked.
The smile on Klein’s face became wider and wider, almost crazy:
/“Hunting, Admiral Blood.”
What kind of hunting? “Blood Admiral” Daniz almost raised his right hand and picked out his ears.
But Gehrman Sparrow’s hidden crazy smile, and his captain’s slightly unusual eyebrow movement, all reminded him that what he just said was true.
This madman like Gehrman Sparrow really dared to think that this was one of the seven pirate generals. There was no way a character like “Steel” Maivit could compare to Danitz. His pupils shrank, and he was almost shouting in his heart.
Not to mention the power of “Admiral Blood” Senior himself, just the big pirates and famous pirates under him are enough to intimidate people. The first mate, third mate and captains of each ship can be distinguished from each other. , who independently leads a large pirate group
“Steel” Maiviti brought Bayam’s combination, and there are many more in the “Blood Pirates”
“Hurricane Vice Admiral” Qilingos passed away silently like a wild dog in Backlund, mainly because he was not in his pirate group, but “Blood Admiral” Senior was different, rarely He rarely leaves his flagship and is surrounded by his subordinates.
Even if we go back to Senior’s own strength, it is extremely terrifying. He is mysterious and strange. He is one of the few strong men on the sea second only to the Four Kings. Even the captain does not dare to say that he is definitely stronger than him. The madman’s boldness is simply beyond my imagination. No, he doesn’t know how to be afraid of the death and replacement of a pirate general. It is definitely a sensation in the world. Daniz thought one after another in his mind, but in the end, it was strange. Calmed down.
This was because he thought that Gehrman Sparrow himself was a strong man at the level of Seventh General, and there might be a secret terrorist organization behind him.
“Lieutenant General Iceberg” Edwina was silent for a few seconds and said:
“Do you know the Rose School?”
Not only do I know, but I have also killed their people, robbed their magical items, etc. Why

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