
manager and chief legal officer waved to the car and replied at the same time. At this time, Tracy McGrady suddenly ran to the car in two steps. He gently kissed Zhang Lisheng’s cheek and whispered, “Be careful, baby.”

manager and chief legal officer waved to the car and replied at the same time. At this time, Tracy McGrady suddenly ran to the car in two steps. He gently kissed Zhang Lisheng’s cheek and whispered, “Be careful, baby.”
The car then started and drove to Newport, New York.
/Sitting in the window seat in the middle of the bus, Zhang Lisheng looked at the ever-changing factories, wilderness, and lakes outside the bus in a daze, recalling Tracy McGrady’s sudden moment of seizing the opportunity, which was both like a farewell between friends and an extremely ambiguous kiss. , feeling confused and confused.
It wasn’t until he came to Newport, New York, and stepped onto the deck of the ferry to the ‘different world’, and looked at the vast ocean connecting the sea and the sky from the side of the ship, that he finally felt that his dull mind suddenly became enlightened.
“Zhang Lisheng, Zhang Lisheng, I really don’t know what’s happened to you recently!
There are so many serious things to do on the ‘Ocean Sea Shrimp B1 Island’, but now you are still thinking about these boring things, what a hell…” Zhang Lisheng murmured to himself Yu shook his head and stopped thinking. He stood on the deck and looked around, and found that it was exactly as Edward described. There were mostly groups of thirty or fifty people gathered around, young and middle-aged people who knew each other well.
The kind of passengers who are family members or just a few friends are already very rare in comparison.
Just as he was looking around, the ship’s whistle suddenly sounded “Woooo…”. Under the escort of the warship, the cruise ship slowly started to leave the port, carrying a full ship of guests who looked excited, bumpy and expectant, riding the wind and waves, Sailing to a mysterious distance.
Dozens of minutes later, the ship docked slowly at the port of the island in another world. Looking down into the distance, Zhang Lisheng realized that although he had only been away for less than two weeks, the situation in the ‘gathering place’ had become completely different. .
The sergeants who bartered with the natives on the streets during their vacations, and the official material exchange point where the military fixed the “bald eagle badge” hung have disappeared.
The private shops that used to be small in scale and quiet in business have become formal and busy.
But even so, there are still many fewer natives in the gathering place. Obviously, those private forces cannot fill the gap left after the disappearance of the ‘official material trading point’.
Chapter 250: ‘Arrival’
The cruise ship arrived at the port, and the new batch of visitors from the ‘different world’ stepped on the hanging ladder and noisily walked off the ship one by one.
On the pier, twenty or thirty sergeants in crisp uniforms, with serious expressions, used loudspeakers to mechanically warn them about the taboos after arriving at the ‘Sea Shrimp B1 Island’, “Please note that the sand on the beach is thicker than a razor.” Be sharp, you’d better no

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