
e Night” Amanisis from the details.

“The three broken light cocoons are next to each other.” He responded simply.
The projection of the “Goddess of the Night” in the dreamland stands in the quiet rippling darkness, giving people a very unreal feeling.
He said softly:
“The people there are all candidates for the resurrection of the ‘Lord of Mysteries’, but something unexpected happened to Him and he lost control of many things.
“If this were not the case, I would have died long ago and lived as the ‘Lord of Mysteries’, and you and Russell would have no chance to return to reality.”
This means that “Tianzun” has fallen completely, and can only be resurrected by relying on the remaining will within the extraordinary characteristics and the mechanical arrangements of “Origin Castle”? Klein sighed, smiled and said:
“I can already hear Him whispering in my ears.”
The projection of the “Night Goddess” said in a calm tone:
“We cannot defeat or stop him or them, we can only fight and suppress them.”
Maybe at some point, with just a small negligence or a slight degree of relaxation, we will become Him… On the extraordinary road, danger is always with us, and we don’t know when we will slip into the abyss… Klein silently stood for “Dark Night” Goddess” added two sentences.
He thought for a moment and asked:
“Did you interfere to any extent when I was born?”
The projection of the “Goddess of the Night” that seemed to be blending into the surrounding environment nodded slightly and said:
“I used the uniqueness of Antigonus to indirectly influence the ‘Origin Castle’, and ‘tampered’ with the corresponding location of the extraordinary characteristics accompanying your birth to the land abandoned by the gods.”
Sure enough… Klein sighed secretly, frowned slightly and said:
/“Can the uniqueness of Antigonus indirectly affect the ‘Origin Castle’?”
The projected voice of the “Night Goddess” replied softly like a nocturne:
“He was out of control and crazy.
“This also means that his self-awareness can no longer suppress the will of the ‘Lord of Mysteries’ in his body. The two spirits are stitched together, reflecting the most primitive, instinctive, bloody and crazy side.
/“And the ‘Lord of Mysteries’ is the former owner of the ‘Origin Castle’. Now Antigonus can naturally influence the ‘Origin Castle’ indirectly through this identity.”
No wonder the “Night Goddess” knows more about “Origin Castle” and that strange light door than Emperor Russell. On the one hand, she was born from “Origin Castle”, and on the other hand, she imprisoned the out-of-control and crazy Antigonus. Si…Klein was suddenly enlightened and continued to ask:
“Why were you and Russell not accompanied by extraordinary characteristics when you were born?”
In that case, both the “Night Goddess” and Emperor Russell would definitely choose the “divineer”, “apprentice” or “thief” path.
The projection of “Night Goddess” said calmly:
“That’s why I said that the ‘Lord of Mysteries’ had some accident and lost control of many arrangements.

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