
fight side by side or remain enemies depends on your choice.” Rosalind said.

fight side by side or remain enemies depends on your choice.” Rosalind said.
Then, Lucius’s voice rang:
The battle begins!
Battle scene: “Havoc in Heaven”
The familiar yet unfamiliar white light explodes, and the battle officially begins!
After the very long teleportation for Yin Kuang ended, Yin Kuang found himself in a dense jungle.
The slightly moist and fresh plant smell mixed with the smell of earthy moss hits your face. Looking at it, you can see a natural picture of red, yellow, green, blue and purple flowers, branches and leaves. The chirping, gurgling, and roaring insects come from all over the place. From everywhere, the golden sunlight shines through the gaps between the trees and shines on the ground like gold ingots scattered on the ground.
Even college students who are accustomed to seeing all kinds of beautiful scenery couldn’t help but sigh when they saw the scene in front of them, and they all said “what a beautiful place”.
Yin Kuang just glanced at the surrounding environment and focused his attention on this exam.
Everyone in Class 1257 immediately gathered together to form a perfect defensive formation.
Yin Kuang and Qian Qianqian secretly mobilized the “source” in their bodies and injected it into the “axis”. Soon, thin beads of sweat formed on Qian Qianqian’s forehead. It was obvious that she was having a very difficult time turning the “axis”.
Yin Kuang looked slightly better, but also very solemn.
Qian Qianqian nodded.
Tang Rouyu walked to Yin Kuang and said, “Yin Kuang, do you have any way to find other students?”
/Yin Kuang said, “I’ll give it a try.”
This time the battle between the two schools was completely between Rosalind and Yin Kuang. Their business. There are not many enemies, only one! But for students below the Condensation Stage, they are simply redundant and have simply suffered an unreasonable disaster. Yin Kuang is now thinking about finding a place to settle them down so that he can deal with Long Aotian wholeheartedly.
Yin Kuang jumped up and flew directly over the treetops, hanging in the air. As the “axis” rotated, waves of perception radiated towards the surroundings.
Soon Yin Kuang sensed several waves of people. I thought that the principal was quite kind and didn’t spread everyone too far apart.
However, just when Yin Kuang was about to continue spreading his consciousness to see if he could find the city in the world, screams and roars suddenly came from below.
Yin Kuang instantly fell back to the ground and saw a group of half-human, half-snake monsters attacking 1,257 people with swords, spears, axes and axes. At a glance, among the 1,257 people, except for Qian Qianqian who was able to resist the siege of eight obviously taller and stronger half-human, half-snake monsters, the rest were no match for those monsters. Each and every one of them was covered in glory, and relying only on their exquisite defense coordination, one of the knights had been hacked into a pulp by random knives. These students, who were elites after all in t

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