
e scene burst into cheers.

e scene burst into cheers.
Ginobili, the new wonder kid who joined the team, not only contributed a team-high 17 points tonight, but also contributed the final buzzer-beater.
He was quickly overwhelmed by his teammates.
Sun Hao glanced at the score on the scorer, smiled and shook his head.
No one can stand this magical ball!
After losing, Sun Hao’s mood fluctuated, but not too much.
After all, this is just the opening game of the Champions League.
Losing at this point is better than losing in the playoffs.
In other words, they, including him, exposed many problems in this game.
If we win, those problems will be covered up.
Losing is not always a bad thing.
And apart from luck, Ginobili also had a lot of heart in taking shots at the last moment.
Although his shooting is not good yet, he already looks like a superstar.
These can only be known by actually playing against each other on the court.
Especially in this era of limited information, it is understandable that Ginobili was selected so late in the draft.
Perhaps the NBA general managers of this era will feel that the level of basketball here is not as good as the NCAA.
At the end of the game, Sun Hao made 5 three-pointers and contributed a team-high 17 points, but in the end it was all for nothing.
Prigioni began to act as the boss of the locker room, calling the players together to say some words of encouragement.
After all this was done, the celebration over there was about the same, and the two teams began the final handshake ceremony.
Sun Hao met Ginobili again.
The look he looked at Sun Hao no longer had the mixed emotions he had at the beginning.
/After all, the past is over, and he now has a new beginning.
In competitive sports, performance is the most convincing thing.
Sun Hao didn’t pay much attention to Ginobili’s emotional changes. His eyes were always on Ginobili’s head.
I don’t know if it was because he was in a good mood, but Ginobili’s hair seemed to stand on end.
He reached out and touched it uncontrollably.
I originally thought it would prick my hand, but it turned out to be itchy on the palm of my hand, and it felt very comfortable!
But he immediately felt Ginobili’s murderous eyes.
It was only after he took his hand back that he realized it was rude.
It’s strange to say that he touched Fernandez before to encourage him, but this time
is it true that habits are formed?
“Ribbon, you have a ribbon on your head.”
Sun Hao pointed to the ribbon on the floor and said with an awkward smile.
After the game, if the home team wins, some streamers will be sprayed to celebrate.
This is a very reasonable excuse for Sun Hao.
Ginobili obviously didn’t believe what he said. Even if there was a ribbon, he would still grab it. What’s the matter with you stroking me?
But he didn’t say anything other than his expression.
He even quickly turned around and acted like nothing happened.
It wasn’t that he was a coward, but the person opposite him was Sun Hao, the only person who had seen him in th

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