
compromise, which is also a very important reason why the Lakers were able to complete the dynasty in history.

compromise, which is also a very important reason why the Lakers were able to complete the dynasty in history.
Faced with such an OK combination, the Mavericks’ internal strength is at a disadvantage.
O’Neal scored 30+ points in two consecutive games, and in one game he scored 40 points and 20 rebounds.
In fact, in this year in history, O’Neal averaged 36+16+4+3 points in the finals.
The peak shark after gaining weight is much more terrifying than imagined.
The Mavericks also lost two games in a row and returned to Dallas with a score of 1-3.
With such a score and such a lineup comparison, even Cole analyzed it on the TNT show. The Mavericks can only win one more game before being eliminated.
It was against this background that the Mavericks played a last-ditch game at home.
Amid the fanatical cheers of Dallas fans, the Mavericks fought with all their might to withstand O’Neal’s offensive in the paint.
After the whole game, O’Neal only scored 20+ points, and he was also suffering from a rare mental imbalance and left the game with 6 fouls early.
Moreover, Kobe felt cold in this game, and the Lakers were unable to open up the situation.
In the end, the Mavericks defeated the Lakers 97-83 at home, rewriting the big score to 2-3.
“What they did is good enough.”
Cole used these words to describe it on the TNT program.
“But the Lakers will win the series at home,”
he added.
If the Lakers can’t win, they will have to go to Dallas to play tiebreaker with the Mavericks.
This is also the basis for his previous judgment that the Mavericks will be eliminated if they win one more game.
However, the process and result of this game were beyond everyone’s expectations.
From the opening to the last three minutes of the game, the score difference between the two teams never exceeded 5 points.
For the Mavericks, LaFrentz and Battelle were both beaten to 6 fouls.
For the Lakers, Walker and Fisher also committed 6 fouls at the last minute.
However, that’s not all.
Fierce physical confrontation brings not only fouls, but also injuries.
/For the Lakers, Fox suffered a fractured vertebra and ended the season.
However, these are actually not the most exciting parts.
That injured finger seemed to turn on the switch for his god to descend to earth.
He hit consecutive long-range three-pointers and directly took away the game in a wave!
At this time, the fans also remembered the nickname Sun Hao had before.
G6 Sun!
Sun Hao already proved this against the Spurs last year.
In the new year, he is strengthening his impression on everyone!
The game was then forced back to Dallas.
It is worth mentioning that after the game, many members of the Mavericks did not celebrate, but sat on the bench and gasped for air.
Sun Hao even stretched his legs to prevent cramps with the help of the team doctor.
Although the Mavericks won this game, the cost was far greater than everyone imagined.
The tiebreaker begins in Dallas.
Sun Hao drank a small injury recovery drink, but because of the sh

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