
res all your strength. Taking such a big risk for a group of people you have never met is not what a ‘witch’ does.

res all your strength. Taking such a big risk for a group of people you have never met is not what a ‘witch’ does.
After being stunned for a moment, he shook his head and said: “Tina, those missiles will naturally be shot down by the missile interception system. There is no need for me to waste my time and help rashly. On the contrary, it may cause misunderstandings and be targeted by the US army as an enemy.”
Although Zhang Lisheng’s words were It’s an excuse, but when you think about it carefully, it actually makes sense. The girl nodded after listening. Without saying anything else, he continued to lie in his boyfriend’s arms and look at the missiles outside the window.
After a while, she saw that, just as her boyfriend had guessed, there was another interceptor missile with flames spraying from its tail. Scrambling to draw arcs in the air, they rushed towards the ‘different world’ missiles in the distance.
It’s a pity that he had the experience of being intercepted before. This time, the Kaladoon’s self-propelled missiles made a smart response. Half of the hundreds of missiles suddenly slowed down, while the other half accelerated towards the Earthlings’ missiles, and exploded first, forming steam in the air. The hurricane interfered with the trajectory of those interceptor missiles and perished with them.
“The interception was unsuccessful. There are still half of those steaming aircraft!
God, the city has already reached the sky above the city, and it looks like it is still a big city. This is going to be bad…” Tina’s exclamation later , the remaining ‘different world’ missiles began to descend rapidly, swooping towards the cities on the ground.
Different from his girlfriend’s anxious mood, Zhang Lisheng quietly breathed a sigh of relief at this time. Since there is a city as a target, the Calado’s missiles will inevitably destroy the city first, and will no longer target the ‘Hao Niao’, that is, Said the plane was safe.
With this thought in his mind, he comforted Tina and said: “Don’t worry, the United States is not South Africa. How could it be so easy for the Caladorian missiles to attack the city? There must be other defenses…” Suddenly the
sea of ??clouds broke through in the distance. A ship floats in the air, relying on thousands of huge inverted propellers at the bottom. Dozens of side propellers on the rear side push the unbelievably huge steel fortress forward, making a louder and louder buzz. “Buzz…” The sound interrupted Zhang Lisheng’s words.
/Immediately afterwards, under the stunned gazes of everyone in the cabin, black figures suddenly appeared on the deck of the air fortress, running quickly and jumping to the ground as if they were committing suicide.
In mid-air, their hands, feet and backs suddenly spurted out scorching white flames, driving them down rapidly, catching up with the ‘different world’ missiles that were about to land, hugging them with all their strength, passing over tall buildings at low altitude, and rising again towards the sky. in the air.
/The m

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