
t this time, it was because of a phone call with Kupchak.

t this time, it was because of a phone call with Kupchak.
It really is true to that sentence.
People are sitting at home, and badges fall from the sky!
The Olympic men’s basketball teams have been divided long before the start of the World Championships.
Unlike the World Championships, there are only 12 teams participating in the Olympic Games, divided into two groups, A and B.
Group A: Germany, New Zealand, Argentina, Serbia and Montenegro, Puerto Rico, Greece;
Group B: Australia, Lithuania, China, the United States, Angola, Spain.
The men’s basketball team is “lucky” to be in the same group as the US team.
And, even more fortunately, the opponent in the opening game of the men’s basketball team is the United States team.
Although Kobe, McGrady, O’Neal and others will not go to Athens due to the explosion, the US team has sent a lineup with Iverson and Duncan as the core, and it is still the strongest on paper.
In other words, the main theme of the World Series is still the World Basketball Challenge Dream Team.
Defeating the US team is still the goal of each national team.
The goal of the American team in this Olympics is also very clear, to regain the World Series championship and prove that the defeat at home two years ago was just an “accident.”
It can be predicted that this game will definitely become the focus of the first day of the men’s basketball game.
Fiba’s scoring mechanism at the World Championships two years ago was popular among fans. After tasting the benefits, Fiba followed suit this time.
The one with the highest rating is still the American team.
The overall rating of this “Dream Team Six” is as high as 93 points!
Although not all the main players are playing, take a look at the 12-man roster of the US team:
Duncan, Iverson, Stoudemire, Marbury, Boozer, Marion, Odom, Richard Jefferson , James, Anthony, Wade, Okafor.
If this was an NBA team, it would be a good idea to put together a proper dynasty lineup.
Among the 12-man roster, Duncan has the highest rating, with a score of 95.
This is a bit lower than Duncan’s rating in 2K. The main reason is the difference between Fiba and NBA games.
The existence of defensive three seconds makes it difficult for Duncan to get comfortable low single opportunities, which will greatly reduce his offensive influence.
Iverson’s rating is 90 points. Like Duncan, the existence of three seconds of defense will make his threat of breakthrough much smaller.
Marbury scored 89 points.
Although he is far less famous than Iverson and Duncan in the NBA, he is good at shooting and will be very useful in FIBA ??games.
Several other newcomers that are getting a lot of attention.
If it weren’t for being too young, his rating would definitely be higher.
And it’s worth mentioning that the head coach of this Dream Six team is Rab Brown, who was Anthony’s head coach in the NBA.
It is foreseeable that after history changes, Anthony will get more playing opportunities in this American team.
James’ rating is 84 points.

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