
d felt the confidence to win from each other’s eyes.

d felt the confidence to win from each other’s eyes.
The finals will definitely be fierce.
The third-place and fourth-place finals of the men’s basketball team were held one day later, on the day of the Olympic closing ceremony.
There is a day of rest in between.
At this time, Sun Hao received a call from Kupchak.
Spanoulis, it’s done.
/The Lakers had no plans to sign Marcus Dohit, their second-round pick this year.
But now, signing with Dorhit and adding some cash, Spanoulis was replaced.
With Collins leaving the team, Dohit can be regarded as an insider, and the Mavericks may be able to use him.
Rookies with picks in the 50s only have this transaction value.
Ginobili made this pick, but it was just one Ginobili.
Moreover, times are changing. As overseas player information becomes more and more transparent, the chance of Taobao is also getting lower.
As for Spanoulis, the Lakers have also reached an agreement.
Historically, he only landed in the NBA in 2006. It’s not that he didn’t want to go, it’s just that the Mavericks didn’t let him go.
However, because Spanoulis is still under contract, the Lakers need to help pay part of the buyout fee.
Kupchak, did it all.
If nothing else, just because, well, this time the “Emperor’s Wrath” badge exudes the light of righteousness.
At this time, the Lakers’ point guard position has been replenished. They only need one more backup swingman to complete the lineup.
And this matter is not so urgent anymore. Even if there is no suitable candidate, it is not a big problem to enter the season with a 14-man roster.
After a day’s rest, the events on the last day of the Olympic Games began.
The third and fourth place finals of the men’s basketball team will start at 4 pm local time.
Sun Hao also went to watch the game in advance.
After watching for a while, he discovered something: his mouth was opened!
The German team learned from the experience of Puerto Rico and the Chinese team and also tightened its defense in the opening game.
Moreover, Anthony didn’t feel very good in this game. As a result, the Dream Six team fell into the same scene as when they played the Chinese team in the opening game.
If you can’t make an outside shot, you can only rush to the basket, and the success rate of crowding the basket is low.
As a result, the Dream Six team became more passive as they played, while the German team played more and more energetically.
/After halftime, they only scored 30 points,
47-30. The German team led the Dream Six team by 17 points!
This makes people doubt their life.
After Sun Hao calmed down, he felt that it was actually normal.
In the history of this Dream Six team, it is completely normal to lose to Puerto Rico by more than 20 points in the half, and to lose to the German team by 17 points.
And you have to consider that the morale of Dream Team 6 at this time is obviously not as good as it was at the beginning of the Olympics.
Take Iverson for example. He has been saying that he firmly believes that they can def

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