
in terms of music, he was definitely not as good as his son.

in terms of music, he was definitely not as good as his son.
This is probably genetic optimization.
Scarlett came back after a while.
After Scarlett came in, she called him, kissed him, and then went to play with Little Beijing.
Scarlett has returned to work and has limited time to spend with her son every day.
Sun Hao didn’t bother him, just sat not far away and closed his eyes to rest, and then entered the system to train.
Although the system has entered the 3.0 era, which requires much more training time than in the past, it will take a lot of time to achieve new breakthroughs in technology.
In order to further improve his physical fitness, Sun Hao has recently added a new training content to himself: swimming pool training.
Generally speaking, pool training is used to recover from injuries.
Yao Ming and Durant have experienced this in history.
Because if you are in water, affected by the buoyancy of the water, the weight bearing on the injured parts of the ankle will be much smaller than on land.
But pool training does more than just that.
Water has buoyancy, but it also has a lot of resistance.
According to normal mechanical estimates, water resistance is 12 times greater than air resistance.
To give the simplest example, if you run in water for 45 minutes, it is equivalent to running in the air for 2 hours.
Moreover, the density and heat transfer performance of water are greater than that of air, and heat consumption will be faster.
This is why swimming can be physically demanding.
Coupled with the pressure of water, people will unconsciously exercise their respiratory muscles during exercise.
Therefore, this training is very helpful to improve people’s physical fitness, especially to increase physical limit.
/What is easily overlooked is that Sun Hao is now 28 years old.
As an athlete, he is at his peak, but his physical function is actually slowly declining.
When I was young, I followed a long career with the Mavericks, but nothing happened.
Now that I have to run so fast in the Warriors, I must make some preparations in advance.
After the training, Sun Hao found a lounge chair by the swimming pool to rest on, and then hired several masseurs to relax his muscles.
Soon he relaxed and fell asleep.
But soon a burst of music sounded in his ears.
He opened his eyes and saw Scarlett playing the piano there.
Little Beijing sat next to him, staring motionlessly, looking very focused.
Although Sun Hao didn’t know much about music, the music played by Scarlett awakened the few music cells in his brain.
Just like the protagonists in historical time-travel novels all have poems in their bellies and Li Bai when they open their mouths.
For people who travel through time, these things, talent, are not the most important, memory is the most important.
Sun Hao doesn’t have much memory of music, especially English songs.
But because he was an assistant coach in the NCAA in his previous life, he is still very familiar with some of the songs.
For example, the class

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