
e another competitor come out?

e another competitor come out?
So if Sun Hao wants to join the Lakers, he can only choose option two.
Gu Yi contacted Kupchak.
Because Sun Hao has not publicly announced his comeback, these small operations can only be carried out in private.
Kupchak was extremely excited when he got the call.
Although Gu Yi only asked in a tentative tone on the phone whether the Lakers could clear up salary space.
But anyone who is not stupid knows what that means!
At the previous league committee meeting, Stern asked the owners of each team for their opinions, and also changed his direction and told all teams that Sun Hao would return early.
Now, Sun Hao will choose to come back with the Lakers!
As long as they can clear out enough salary space, the Lakers’ revival is just around the corner!
Then there’s the critical cap space issue.
According to the results of the previous discussion by the league committee, no matter where Sun Hao comes back, he must sign according to the market value.
In other words, Sun Hao must sign a maximum salary.
Sun Hao has played in the NBA for seven years. According to the rules at this time, the starting salary of the maximum salary is 30% of the league’s salary cap, which is US$17.6 million this season.
The good news for Kupchak is that Marion’s contract is expiring, and his salary this season is exactly 17.81 million.
As long as he is sent to a team that has room to absorb this contract and gets some exceptions that do not account for the salary cap, the problem will be solved.
Several media outlets have reported that Sun Hao may make an early comeback.
“I think the Lakers are still the team with the best chance to win the championship this season, because he is coming back!” In the
new episode of TNT’s program in the evening, Barkley even switched from Komit to Sun Chui in seconds.
Kenny Smith plays a regular role.
“Who? You don’t even know who I’m talking about! Listen clearly, man, I’m talking about the Lakers!”
“Sun is coming back.”
As soon as Barkley finished speaking, Ernie Johnson took over.
The three people put on a play and vividly described Sun Hao’s coming back.
“But I don’t think Sun will definitely come back with the Lakers.”
Kenny Smith continued to praise him.
/“Man, will Michael Jordan leave the Bulls? No! Will Sun leave the Lakers? Nor will he!”
Barkley said excitedly.
“The situation of Charles, Sun and Michael is different, and the situation of the Lakers and the Bulls is different.”
“What’s different?”
“The Lakers have no salary space now.”
“Can’t the salary space be cleared through trades? ?”
“At this point in time, not many teams have it. Even if they do, why should they help the Lakers?”
“Kenny is right. If I have space, I will not help the Lakers, but will try it myself. We are going to recruit Sun.”
There was a quarrel that seemed intense, but in fact it was clear and step-by-step.
The theme of their program this time is also about to come out, which is to analyze which team Sun Hao will return to if

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