
he past few years, this four-party transaction can be shortlisted for the “team’s best transaction operation in the past decade” candidate list.

he past few years, this four-party transaction can be shortlisted for the “team’s best transaction operation in the past decade” candidate list.
When the free market is about to end, the Wizards, Pistons, and Celtics in the Eastern Conference, and the Clippers, Mavericks, and Suns in the Western Conference have all received reinforcements to varying degrees.
Next season will still be a season full of powerful players.
It was at this time that Sun Hao returned to Auckland after his short vacation.
In Hawaii, immersed in family fun, he didn’t pay attention to the free market except for Gu Yi’s phone call.
Seeing so much news this time is similar to the feeling of waking up early in the morning and using my mobile phone to read the news.
Then, there was this scene:
Boozer went to the Wizards?
It’s interesting! This sworn enemy in history has become a teammate!
Ben Gordon goes to Pistons?
Are the Pistons still a defense-oriented team with this configuration? It seems the countdown to Anthony’s departure from Detroit is coming!
The Nuggets actually want Big Ben?
It’s better to ask for O’Neal directly!
Well, Internet access in every village
is certainly not everything.
Because the free market ended immediately after Sun Hao returned, other signings were completed one after another.
For example, Turkoglu signed with the Jazz for 60 million in 5 years.
There is a big difference between here and history.
The reason for this is because of the Magic’s current salary structure.
Howard’s maximum salary contract takes effect this season, plus Arenas and Lewis, this is already three maximum salaries.
Although Howard has just entered his rookie season and his maximum salary is not much, the Magic can no longer afford to renew Turkoglu.
Hinrich, Ronny Brewer, Kirilenko, Turkoglu, Okur.
/The Jazz just lost starting power forward Boozer, and with Okur and Turkoglu both from Turkey, this result is reasonable.
And before that, the Jazz also brought Hinrich over from the Bucks through a trade.
There were all kinds of questions. Some asked unwillingly why he didn’t choose a certain team, and some asked where he went when he disappeared.
The Jazz’s configuration, standard team basketball, will also be somewhat competitive in the Western Conference next season.
For another example, the battle for Marion finally came to an end.
Marion chose to join the Nuggets for 39 million in five years.
The average length of this contract is only more than 7 million. Compared with Marion’s contract of more than 17 million last year, it is only a fraction of the standard.
His market price is close to that of Odom, and it should be in the tens of millions.
But unlike Odom, Marion’s average annual salary is less than expected because he signed a long-term contract.
After all, he is 31 years old now, and he will be 36 years old when this contract ends.
For a short inside player, that’s almost the age to retire.
The Nuggets getting Marion is also their best result.
This is tantamount to a major ch

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