

Not many countries supported the Gulf War. Although the United States did not care, it had a bad reputation after all.
Now there is only one superpower in the world, the United States, and the government is afraid that other countries will unite to deal with it, just like the European Union, so You need to focus on influence and have supporters internationally.
Since you want to have a say in the Maldives, you should go all out. Your grandfather supports it. With a secret back garden, many things will be much more convenient.
/Ismail The vice president is not a good target. He already has his own power. There may be situations where we help him win the president and he turns his back on us.”
Han Xuan also believes that Vice President Ismail is duplicitous and has both sides. Not suitable. He hopes that while he can help him, he doesn’t want to give too many benefits.
After thinking about it, he said: “Well, let’s find it from civilians to help the Maldives create a heroic figure, the kind without too much ambition. Don’t let our family come forward, find a trustworthy intermediary agent, and contact the other party.” He
glanced at His tour guide in the Maldives, Mohamed Hamil Didi, an aborigine from Bes fish Island, is just thirty-three years old.
Muhammad Hamil Didi has never been on such a luxurious yacht, and there are so many bodyguards. He has been conscientious from the moment he boarded the boat.
Like those people on TV, hold a pure crystal goblet with your fingers and sip a wine that you can’t taste good or bad, but must be expensive because the lid is plated with silver and was produced in 1949.
Hearing Han Xuan call him, Hamil put down his cup and trotted over. Thinking he wanted to ask about the distance to Male Island, he said, “The direction is correct. At this speed, we can reach Male Island in about half an hour.
” No, I want to ask you if you plan to run for president? President of the Maldives, as long as you are willing, I can help you run, providing an upfront funding of US$5 million. An additional US$20 million will be used to invest in the economic development of the Maldives. With these conditions, you are very likely to become the president.”
Han Xuan smiled and said to Hamil: “You can have yachts, luxury houses, and money.”
/Hamill was confused by this sudden question. , I didn’t relax for a while.
Things that I had never dared to think about were now placed in front of me. My heart couldn’t help but beat. I stuck out my tongue and licked my dry lips, asking: “Can I do it?”
“There’s nothing you can do, it’s just whether you want to do it or not. There will be a professional team to help you with the campaign, and there will also be dedicated people in charge of government affairs. You just need to learn from them, follow their arrangements, and be a good president. Then you will be as happy as you like. Miss Erma is yours too. She is a vain woman. With your current conditions, it is difficult for her to like you.”
Hamill didn’t know what to say for a momen

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