
urned out of the yard. When the volcano wheel returned to the winding mountain road, Wang Bo suddenly stood up and called Li Zhonghua to stop.

urned out of the yard. When the volcano wheel returned to the winding mountain road, Wang Bo suddenly stood up and called Li Zhonghua to stop.
/“Uncle Li, let me ride.” He said to Li Zhonghua.
Of course Wang Bo didn’t want to ride the volcano wheel. Li Zhonghua drank a lot at noon today, and he was really worried about getting in his car.
“Can you ride a volcano wheel, Bo’er?” Li Zhonghua asked with a smile.
“Yes, my skills are quite good.” Wang Bo said, regardless of whether Li Zhonghua agreed or not, he jumped directly. If Li Zhonghua didn’t let him ride, he would rather walk with Guan Ping than sit in her car. In his previous life, Wang Jichang’s experience of several car accidents while riding a motorcycle had a profound psychological impact on him. If something goes wrong while riding in Pingba, it won’t be fatal, but in this mountain, if something bad happens, it will kill someone. Last night, he had given his life to Li Zhonghua and went on a rampage. This time, even if he was beaten to death, he was not willing to take the risk again.
Li Zhonghua thought Wang Bo wanted to ride and have fun. If it were someone else, he would definitely not give up these tens of thousands of guys, but when Wang Bo opened his mouth, the weight was naturally different.
“Okay, then you can ride. But you have to be careful and ride slower. This mountain road is full of twists and turns, and it is not as flat as your Pingba.” Li Zhonghua jumped down from the front and warned Wang Bo.
“I don’t care, Uncle Li.” Wang Bo jumped into the driver’s seat unceremoniously. After Li Zhonghua climbed into the car, he skillfully squeezed the clutch, shifted gears, started, upshifted, and hit the accelerator. His movements were extremely skillful, comparable to those of many years of practice. The veteran driver kept his hands on the crossbar and stared at Li Zhonghua in amazement as Wang Bo operated. He quickly felt relieved and sat in the carriage with peace of mind.
In his previous life, Wang Bo sold ATVs and motorcycles for seven or eight years while doing foreign trade. How could he not ride this volcano wheel?
Unlike Li Zhonghua’s rampage, Wang Bo rode very slowly, not much faster than riding a bicycle. It only took him twenty minutes to arrive. When he returned, it was still downhill, and he was actually slower. Shake slowly and slowly, and it took more than half an hour to shake it together.
We finally arrived at the pick-up point for the bus from Huaying Town to Sifang.
Wang Bo and Guan Ping jumped off the volcano wheel of Liao Jun’s house. They thanked Li Zhonghua. Wang Bo invited Li Zhonghua to come and have a drink with his old man Wang Jichang when he was free. They were about to get in the car. At this time, Li Zhonghua suddenly came from the volcano. He lifted a snakeskin bag from the carriage of the wheel and placed it at Wang Bo’s feet.
“Uncle Li, what are you doing?”
“Haha, it’s a bit of mountain product. It’s worthless.” Li Zhonghua smiled honestly, waved to Wang Bo, and told him to come up the mountain

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