
rise, admiration, and admiration on their faces, he felt satisfied and very satisfied. A sense of accomplishment.

rise, admiration, and admiration on their faces, he felt satisfied and very satisfied. A sense of accomplishment.
Four dishes and one soup, the meal at noon was rich and delicious, and Wang Bo poured a glass of beer for each of the two women to cheer up. Both Guan Ping and Jiang Mei devoured the meal, sweating profusely and having oily mouths. . The same goes for Wang Bo. In addition to the good food, the beauty of the two women in front of him also made him very “eatable” and added a bit of appetite to him.
/He couldn’t help but think of himself in his previous life. With his picky mouth, he searched for information on the Internet and experimented for many years. Several of his favorite dishes have been cooked impeccably. However, the reality that his wife is often not at home has made him work hard to make them. The table is full of food, and the delicacies on the table are often left unshared. In the end, one person can only “raise a glass to the bright moon, and make three people in the shadow”. They are lonely and drink to drown their sorrows, and the original deliciousness of the dishes is greatly reduced.
After lunch, the three of them did not go out in the afternoon. They still stayed in the living room, continued watching TV and chatting.
Unlike the chat topics in the morning, which mostly focused on the three of them when they were young, the topics in the afternoon were much broader, including the current development of rice noodle shops, Internet cafes, and Wang Bo’s studies. Of course, when they talked about the rice noodle shop, Wang Bo and Guan Ping didn’t ask about the closed “Jiang Jie Rice Noodles”, but Jiang Mei herself talked a lot about the situation of “Jiang Jie Rice Noodles” and how bleak the business was. Things were going from bad to worse. No matter how hard she, Zhang Xiaojun, and Xie Decui tried their best, they could not save the fate of the rice noodle shop, which made Guan Ping and Wang Bo sigh in their hearts.
/After five o’clock in the afternoon, Guan Ping saw Wang Bo at home, so she told Wang Bo that she would go out for about an hour. Wang Bo knew that Guan Ping, a young accountant, had to check out at two rice noodle shops and an Internet cafe, so he nodded and told her to go out with confidence and go back early.
As soon as Guan Ping left, Jiang Mei looked at Wang Bo and said to him: “Bo’er, thank you and Pingping for asking for leave to accompany me today. I don’t even know what to say. I’m fine. Tomorrow, I will go out to find a job. . Just do whatever you need to do, and don’t worry about me anymore. I’m really fine.” After
Jiang Mei said this, Wang Bo stood up and came to the place where Guan Ping was not long ago, which was next to Jiang Mei. He sat down and gently held the woman in his arms. Jiang Mei’s body stiffened for a moment, thinking that Guan Ping had gone out and wouldn’t be back for a while, so she softened and let Wang Bo hold her. Wang Bo held Jiang Mei with one hand and grabbed the woman’s hand with the other. He kissed Jiang Mei’s black hair with

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