
randomly and not obeying traffic regulations. People probably understand the reason why “there are many cars but no traffic jams”.

randomly and not obeying traffic regulations. People probably understand the reason why “there are many cars but no traffic jams”.
The leaders of the urban construction bureaus in Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou and Shenzhen should come and learn from them. However, urban development and road planning are not decided by a bunch of heads in the Urban Construction Bureau, but involve the game and wrestling of multiple departments and interest groups. Wang Bo’s expectations for the leaders of the Urban Construction Bureau can only be expectations. .
At three o’clock in the afternoon, Ma Teng, Wang Bo, and Zhang Dong were picked up by Li Kai’s driver at the mid-level villa in Repulse Bay.
As soon as the car arrived, a man who looked like a butler came up to open the door, shouting “Mr. Ma”, “Mr. Zhang”, “Mr. Wang”, with a kind attitude and a diligent smile, showing considerable quality.
“Hi, Pony, Henry, Edward, Victor, Louis, Alain, is the journey going well?” As soon as he got off the car, Little Superboy Li Kai walked out of the villa door, calling everyone’s English names all the way. Li Kai walked straight up to Wang Bo, put his arm around Wang Bo’s shoulders, and said enthusiastically, “Victor, I didn’t expect you to be a talented man with both civil and military skills! The three essays you wrote for last year’s competition were really good. You are worthy of being the contemporary ‘Little Lu Xun’! I have also read the two science fiction novels you wrote. They are quite good. They are much more interesting than the pseudo-science fiction written by Mr. Ni Kuang Ni, our “Four Great Talents” who specializes in writing novels. By the way, You didn’t come to the treat last time. Shouldn’t you drink three drinks as a penalty this time and drink the wine you didn’t drink last time?” As he said this, he winked at Wang Bo.
“Okay, Richard. I’ll send you the electronic version of “The Wandering Earth” as soon as I get back.”
“Yes, Richard. I have a nickname in my hometown called ‘Whatever’.” Wang Bo made a joke.
/“Haha, okay! Just do whatever you want. It’s up to you.” Li Kai laughed, and suddenly felt that the little guy in front of him who was almost half his age was really interesting.
After saying hello to Wang Bo, Li Kai went to greet Ma Teng, Zhang Dong and others one by one, shaking hands or patting shoulders. For each person, “Superman Little” can tell some of the characteristics and specialties of others, greet them with greetings, and build a closer relationship. Wang Bo, who only watched from one side, nodded in admiration and thought, “Superman Little” is worthy of being a descendant of Superman Li. , even if you are facing some unknown little people, you can prepare lessons carefully, understand the other person’s life and praise and compliment appropriately. A good upbringing and a humble character are clearly reflected in this second-generation rich man, which completely subverts some of his misconceptions about rich people and their descendants.
Superboy Li Kai’s mountainside villa has three

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